Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Resource Center Welcomes Donations

November will be 'slim pickins' for federal aid, according to Blue Mountain Action Council

WAITSBURG – As cooler temperatures settle in and the holidays draw near, the Waitsburg Resource Center (WRC) board is sending out a reminder that donations are always welcome. Recent emergencies have dramatically impacted national food assistance resources, which affects us locally and makes community support increasingly important.

In a TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) email update titled "pretty slim pickins," Blue Mountain Action Council (BMAC) Food Bank Director Jeff Mathias explains that food distribution is looking grim for November.

Each month the WRC receives a large food donation through TEFAP, a federal food assistance program. In Mathias' update he explained that BMAC typically receives an average of 48,000 pounds of food to distribute to area food banks each month, including Waitsburg.

This month, BMAC received 6,000 pounds of food, to be distributed to the same number of households. Mathias said that a combination of factors all occurring at the same time, including providing assistance to victims of the devastating fires in the Okanagan, have caused a shortage in the WSDA warehouse.

"We will be picking up some bonus chicken and frozen cherries later this week, but I wanted to give you all a heads up that November will not be your typical TEFAP distribution," Mathias said.

"I have plenty of pounds of food in the warehouse, but the unfortunate thing is that about 60% is cranberry sauce, apple juice or grapefruit juice. I wish I knew a dance to turn cranberry sauce into beef stew, but I don't," he added.

"This is just another example of how we are all affected by others' situations in life," said WRC Board Chairman Pam Conover, of Waitsburg. It is in situations like this that local support becomes even more critical.

The Waitsburg Resource Center provides food to families in need in the Waitsburg and Prescott school districts. Households may visit the center once monthly for food items that include non-perishables as well as meat, frozen potatoes, eggs, and seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables.

The resource center also supports the community in more ways that helping families with food needs. The center provides backpacks with hygiene supplies to the high school, supplies backpacks and school supplies to the elementary school, sponsors mobile dental van visits, and donates items for local holiday care basket projects.

The resource center has also organized and sponsored a summer activity program, provided snacks for the library's summer reading program, and provided free bike helmets. Community members are encouraged to share ideas for other ways the resource center could have a positive local impact.

How to GIve or Get Help

The resource center is currently in need of peanut butter, green beans, sugar, eggs noodles, macaroni and cheese, cereal, maxi pads, and laundry powder. Food, cleaning, and hygiene items are always welcome, as are tax deductible cash donations. Donations may be dropped off at the center during open hours or at either the Waitsburg Presbyterian, Christian or Catholic Churches.

Contact Heather Duncan (337-8102) or Marge Benson (629-2988) with questions or to have donations picked up.

The volunteer-operated center is located on the side of the Banner Bank building (106 Preston Avenue) and is open 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Thursdays and 9-11 a.m. on Saturdays.


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