Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - November 19, 2015

Ten Years Ago

Nov. 24, 2005

When your get up and go has got up and went, Bob and Kathy Patton hope you’ll come to the drive-up window of their soon-to-be-opened business, Delta Connection, 101 Main, and get more go in the form of an espresso drink. The Touchet Valley Arts Council musical “The Sound of Music” is being staged at Dayton’s Liberty Theater, and is scheduled for performances this weekend and next. Headlining the community production is Waitsburg’s Michael Ferrians as Capt. Georg von Trapp and Dayton’s Shelly Franklin as Maria, the governess who wins the captains’ heart and then escapes with their family out of the Nazi-controlled Austria.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Nov. 22, 1990

Several athletes, assistants and fans were honored at a Fall Sports Dessert on Monday evening. Emcee Mike White thanked all those who help with the sports program citing Donnie Henderson, Sherri Taft, Glynn Davis, Scott Branson, Anita Baker, Jim Davison, Jerry Scot, Dan Butler and Becky Cole for assistance with volleyball. Football helpers included Dan Cole, George Van Horn, Larry Conover, Jerry Baker, Guy McCaw, Glynn Davis, Scott Branson, Dixie Hagerman, and coaches Jeff White, Mel McWhorter, Dinah Lindsey and Karen Huwe.

Marshal’s Memo: Waitsburg citizen called for help in extricating skunk from basement on November 12. Civet cat had apparently been living in basement for about one month. Complainant was advised to call exterminator as the Marshal does not provide those services.

Fifty Years Ago

Nov. 25, 1965

At the annual meeting of the Columbia County Wheat Growers on Nov. 22, David Archer was named to lead the organization for the coming year. Assisting him will be Dick Harper, first v. p., and Bob Patton, 2nd v. p. Lester Eaton will serve as secretary-treasurer.

Some fifty teen-agers and adults of the Catholic Youth Group enjoyed an evening of ice skating at the Ice Chalet in Walla Walla, Saturday night, Nov. 20. The group ended the evening at the Jim Hansen home for refreshments, games and dancing.

Koinonia Club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Cobb, Jr. with Mrs. Bill Thompson assisting on Nov. 18. Mrs. Dorothy Kison presented an informative program on Daguerreotypes., explaining the origin of this variety of photograph and telling about the inventor Daguerre.

Sixty Years Ago

Dec. 2, 1955

A meeting of sheep raisers will be held Monday, Dec. 5 at the County Service building.

M. A. Daniels plans to continue the blacksmith business established here 20 years ago by Elmo Tuttle.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Brunton were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary Wednesday, Nov. 30 when they were entertained at dinner by store employees at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

Nov. 29, 19740

Nearly 300 skiers motored to Tollgate Sunday where they were greeted by a bout two feet of snow and leaden skies which let fly with alternate snow flurries and sleet.

Paper tax tokens will be available for use throughout the state Dec. 1, Al G. Scholt, district agent for the state tax commission stated.

Word reaches us that Charles Herring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Herring of Prescott formerly of this city is now with the announcing staff of station KUJ in Walla Walla.

One Hundred Years Ago

Dec. 3, 1915

Thanksgiving was generally observed in Waitsburg. Business houses and offices were closed and public schools were dismissed Wednesday afternoon and did not resume until Monday.

Dick Roberts is having a ditch dug thru Whetstone Creek to let the water run from his land. Dave Barnes is doing the work.

Ote Denney and Groom Bickelhaupt got stuck in the mud with their autos Monday.

Harvey Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis and children, and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fry and daughters of Dayton, took Thanksgiving dinner with Dave Bailey and family of this city.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

Nov. 21, 1890

The opera house was well filled with ladies and gentlemen on Tuesday evening to listen to the able lecturer, Laura DeFarce-Gardow, who handled the subject, “Equal Rights to Women,” in an interesting manner.

Married in Prescott, Nov. 13, 1890, Frank Romine and Miss Josie M. Reavis.

James Kenworthy, one of Huntsvilles very best citizens, made us a pleasant call on Saturday. We are always glad to chat with such a pleasant gentleman.


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