Ten Years Ago
December 1, 2005
A once-in-a-lifetime hunting opportunity turned out well for Larry Olson of Walla Walla when he bagged a trophy elk on November 5. Olson is the son of Bonnie Olson of Waitsburg and the late Jim Olson. Olson was the lucky recipient of a special tag to hunt the Blue Creek Unit which ranges from roughly the Oregon border to near the recreational vehicle park on the former site of the Dayton Drive In. He hunted 13 days straight, logging over 1,000 miles on his pickup, and received help from Waitsburg “dogs” Glynn Davis, Ken Miller and Mark Lambert.
P.E.O. will hold their annual Christmas party on Tuesday, December 13 at the home of Kathleen Payne. She will be the hostess as well. Carol Clarke will present the program.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
November 29, 1990
Waitsburg City Council meeting November 21 assisted in the election of a new Fire Chief, set some budget figures for the 1991 year and discussed a host of other business. Council and Fire Commissioner votes selected Jake Long to serve as new Fire Chief for the combined city-county volunteer fire department. Butch Peck was the other candidate for the office.
A Tupperware party will be hosted on Monday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. by Jessica Hofer at the Terry Hofer residence on Highway 12. Jessica, a member of the Waitsburg Rainbow Assembly, is Grand Nature of the Grand Assembly of Washington and Oregon.
When the Webber family of Waitsburg decides to hold a family dinner, they “just ain’t whistling Dixie,” Don and Janice Wills, and Thelma Webber hosted a family potluck dinner on Thanksgiving Day in the banquet rooms of the Legion Club. Present for the event were 55 family members and two guests. The group ranged in age from a mere seven months to 74 years.
Fifty Years Ago
December 2, 1965
The local chapter of the FFA sent six members to the annual dinner convention for officer training, in Walla Walla. Attending the meeting were Steve Witt, Norman Hansen, Steve Olsen, Rick Ferguson, Larry Conover, Joe Gagnon, and Jerry Gordon.
The annual county 4-H achievement dinner sponsored by the Pacific Power and Light Co. was held at the Masonic Temple in Walla Walla, Monday evening. Carl Nordheim received his fifteen-year leadership pin, clover with pearl. John Nordheim was runner-up for the best 4-H agricultural book in the county. Gwyn Ferguson and Karen Hansen received banners and ribbons for placing third in judging at the state fair.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 6, 1940
The gloomy, dripping fog for the past couple of weeks, reminds one of the west side of the state in the winter time.
The annual football banquet sponsored by Delta Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias and given for the Cardinal football team and their coach was held at the K P Hall Friday night.
The Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion is sponsoring again this year, the Christmas decorations in the residential district.
The Parent-Teachers Association is sponsoring the hot lunch for school pupils this winter.
Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zuger, fell on the cement walk at Bolles, Friday while playing at school breaking off two front teeth.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 10, 1915
Miss Goldie Thomas of this city and Mr. Floyd Cully of Pendleton were married at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. G. H. Thomas Tuesday evening Dec. 7.
Mrs. Sarah M. Rayburn, one of the few remaining early pioneers of this valley, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. L. Cox in this city, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 2nd at 4 o’clock. Death was caused directly from pneumonia with which Grandma Rayburn had been suffering but a few days. She was 80 years, 11 months, and 12 days of age.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan returned home Monday from Spokane after a visit of a couple of weeks with their daughter Mrs. Estella Padelford.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
November 28, 1890
There is a steer roaming at large in the east part of the city that should be taken in by its owner. It has made several attempts to hook children on their way to school, and then their safety lies in keeping inside fields. The steer is nearly white, and is three or four years old.
It is reported that 100 car loads of wheat are now standing on sidetracks at Riparia, and 200 at Pasco awaiting shipment. The transportation companies have had so many smash-ups lately that they are short of engines.
Hon. P. A. Preston left on Wednesday morning for California in the interest of the establishment of a jute factory at the Walla Walla Peniteniary.
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