Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - December 10, 2015

Ten Years Ago

December 15, 2005

Retiring Port of Walla Walla Commissioner Ken Jantz was honored as a Life Member of the Washington Public Ports Association during its 2005 annual meeting in Tacoma recently. Jantz, of Waitsburg, has served on the commission for 24 years.

“The Sound of Music” was received by an appreciative Waitsburg audience at the Waitsburg High school Auditorium last weekend. Mike Ferrians played stern Capt. Von Trapp who falls for his childrens’ governess, Maria, played by Shelly Franklin.

Support for many worthwhile community projects is provided by the Waitsburg Lions Club’s annual Christmas Smoked Turkey Fundraiser.The 40-year-old club recently finished smoking a few hundred of the juicy birds at its local cook shack.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 13, 1990

Drs. Chuck and Kennie Reeves have returned to this area to take over the veterinary medicine practice of Aaron Horowitz of Dayton. They took over the responsibility October 1, 1990. The two D.V.M.s practiced in Dayton from 1974 to 1977 then moved to St. Helens, Oregon where they stayed for five years.

Jim Wills, former Waitsburg resident, received some publicity recently in Campus Life, a publication from the Spokane Community College. The writer, Alan J. Rathbone, discusses a trip around campus with Jim. Object: to identify barriers for handicapped students on campus. The writer comments: “Jim Wills, who has been disabled for the last 20 years, showed us that he has developed a way with doors that works well but is also very dangerous; he simply sticks his foot out and punches his way through.

Fifty Years Ago

December 16, 1965

Cl. William M. Mantz stationed at Fort Richardson, Anchorage, Alaska, is one of the 55 Army colonels approved by the White House for promotion to temporary brigadier general next year. . . Mantz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mantz of Waitsburg.

Waitsburg Stores will be closed on Saturday, December 25 for Christmas and January 1, 1966 for New Year’s Day. Beginning in January, Retail Store Closing hours will be 5:30 p.m. until further notice.

Waitsburg’s venerable barrister and State Representative returned this week from a gigantic $450,100 lawsuit in Seattle. Vaughn collected some big city scalps to hand in his wigwam – shades of Clarence Darrow! (He must have worn his brightest red suspenders to the final summation!)

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 20, 1940

Byron Neace met with a painful accident at his home late Monday evening when he closed a door on his right hand.

Lack of patronage caused by this hectic holiday season coupled with the present epidemic of severe colds, caused C. T. Laidlaw, of Dayton, owner of the Plaza Theatre, to close down Monday night for an indefinite period.

The potluck supper which form forms an important part of the Community Christmas party will be held Saturday, Dec. 21 between 6 and 8 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall. Just pack up your bib, some sandwiches, salad or cake and come to the hall.

Lt. Joe F. McCown, 29th Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emory McCown, is now located at Yakatut, Alaska, having just recently been transferred to that place.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 24, 1915

Nominations to the Senate at Washington for postmasters include Grover C. Houtchens of this city, for the position here to succeed Miss Anna Arnold, republican.

Hell in Europe, famine in Mexico, indifference and plenty in the United States. Funny old world, this.

Born in this city, Thursday morning Dec. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neace a girl – a very nice Christmas present.

A good time ws had by those who attended the dance given by John Clodius Tuesday night. Coffee and sandwiches were served.

The basket social held at the Alto school house Saturday night was very nice. They had many good numbers.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 19, 1890

Telegrams received in St. Paul on Dec. 15 confirm the report of the killing of Sitting Bull, his son Black Bird and four other hostiles, together with seven of the best police under Captain Fecht.

Lewis Cox this week received the very unwelcome news that someone had burned about $300 worth of hay on his ranch north of Snake River. It is supposed that the contemptible work is the doing of parties who were opposed to sheep being wintered in the neighborhood.


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