Coach Doug Yenney says 2B state berth is up for grabs
DAYTON – The Dayton High School knowledge bowl team is proving to be tough competition this year. After taking first place at the November east schools meet in Waitsburg, Dayton tied for fourth place at the all ESD schools meet in Walla Walla on Dec. 9.
At the Dec. 9, One Team All Schools meet Dayton tied for fourth place with DeSales, out of 14 schools, and ahead of much larger schools such as Prosser, Burbank, and Southridge. Top scores at the All Schools meet were Richland (105), Kennewick (89), Hanford (84) and DeSales and Dayton, both with 73 points.
Knowledge bowl is administered through ESD 123 and is divided into east and west regions. The east includes Dayton, Waitsburg, DeSales, Pomeroy, Prescott and Clarkston. The three 2B schools in the east division are Dayton, Waitsburg and Clarkston - one of which will move forward to the state meet.
The west division is made up of the larger schools, several of which several participated in last week’s meet.
“It was nice to see the small schools do well against the larger schools. It’s early in the season and any of the three 2B schools in the east has a chance for the state meet - only one of us gets to go. Sometimes it just depends on which kids are able to participate at the regional met,” Dayton knowledge bowl coach Doug Yenney said.
“Our Dayton team has a trip to state as a goal as going to state is a reflection of the good students we have at Dayton High School.” he added.
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