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Fifth Grade ~ Gabe Kiefel ~ Christmas Stories

Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer

By Alexandyr Dahlby

Did you know that Rudolf never had a nose that glowed? He actually had very good eyesight to see in the fog. The reason for this is that Santa Claus took very good care of Rudolf. His father is Donder, a reindeer who pulls Santa’s sleigh. That is how Rudolf got to be the head of the team. When Santa said “Rudolf with your nose so bright, won`t you guide my sleigh tonight?” he didn`t actually mean that. He actually meant only, “Will you guide my sleigh tonight.” Perhaps this is the reason why Santa likes Rudolf so much. The End


By Andrea Gonzales

Elves live in California due to all the computers needed in the world. Their workshop is hiding in a tunnel under ground. Most of the elves moved their workshop to Silicon Valley to keep up with the demand for new technology. Elves use computers too, mainly to find kids’ houses. This is why elves moved to California.

Santa Claus

By Andrew Rosenberger

Did you now that Santa has a black beard? He has a black beard so kids don’t think he is Santa when he comes down the chimney. Perhaps this is why Santa looks like somebody else on Christmas.

The Grinch

By Aubri Araya

Once there was a Grinch. He was pink and he wore a dress, I don’t know why he had a dress, but it fit him okay. He was full of joy. He was the happiest guy in the village. When I say that he wore a drees, I mean he never took it off. He had it on for 48 years. The Grinch’s time came and went and the dress wore through and fell apart. After that, the Grinch was full of ANGER!!! This is why he tried to ruin Christmas for everyone in the village.

On Christmas Eve, the night he was planning to ruin Christmas, he went down to the village to begin. He stomped down to the village. A little girl ran to buy him something. She noticed that he was mad, but he was usually happy. He was mad because he didn’t have his dress. The little girl had gotten the Grinch a gift. Everyone gathered around. He opened the gift and it was a… tux. “ILOVE IT!” the Grinch shouted. He asked the girl what her name was. “My name is Jen,” she said. That’s all for now. Have a MARRY CHRISTMAS.


By Sarabeth McGowen

Everybody thinks that Santa rides in a sleigh.  But, he actually rides a magical, Italian donkey named Dominik.  Dominik has the ability to climb walls to get to people’s houses.  Every time they go out to give gifts, the donkey runs into the window to get into the house.  Every time Dominik is by the Christmas tree, he would spit a present out and flies away.

Jack Skellington

By Blake Jones

Jack Skellington was a skeleton who pretended to be Santa. He made horrible and terrifying gifts for children. Jacks favorite gift created was the haunted vampire doll. Jack was the king of Halloween and didn’t know very much about Christmas. Jack delivered presents and when the kids opened their gifts, they were terrified. The parents had to tackle the toys and destroy them. There was a group of kids that captured Santa and sent him to the Boogey man. Santa escaped and went to grab his sleigh and save Christmas. Santa gave all the kids around the world good Christmas presents and went back to the North Pole. Jack was upset the kids didn’t like his presents so he just stuck with Halloween. The end.

The Sleigh

By Brandon Leroue

Did you know that Santa’s sleigh is not red? The sleigh that many people think it is red, is actually black. The sleigh is black for a reason, to help Santa stay hidden in the night sky. The black slay helps Santa deliver the presents. The sleigh actually helps make the presents and wraps them too. Perhaps the sleigh color is why no one can see Santa at night.

Jack Frost

By Danielle Hill

People say that Jack Frost makes the snow and the frost. But he does not. Mother Nature is the one who does it. Jack Frost is a fairy-tail, story, or movie. Whatever you read or have seen is not true. Mother Nature is the one who makes the snow, frost, and hard hail, that comes from the sky. What I am trying to tell you is that Mother Nature does all this stuff. Mary Christmas to all and to all a good night

The Happy Yeti

By Garrett Palmer

Most people think that the yeti is big, lives in a cave, and has white fur. However, he looks like a normal person. Every year Santa wouldn’t bring him presents. So, he lost weight, moved into the city, and cut his hair. On Christmas, the yeti woke up in the morning and looked under his tree to found a lot of presents and he got what he wanted. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Santa Claus

By Hayden Peralez

Many people believe Santa lives in the North Pole. However, he really lives in my chimney. Last year, I made apple pie. Santa smelled it all the way from the North Pole, and He tried to break in from the chimney. Then he got stuck. That is why he lives in my chimney. We are hoping to get him out before Christmas.


By Jay Dimak

Many people believe that Santa lives in the North Pole, but he actually lives in my couch. Santa got stuck in my couch last year when he took a nap because he was tired of delivering all the presents. He fell in and could not get back out but he is just stuck. I hope that we can get him out before Christmas.

Santa’s Turkish!

Laura Hill

Did you know that Santa is Turkish? In Turkish Noel Baba is the name for Santa. This means Christmas Father. Saint Nicolas is believed to be from turkey. This is why I think Santa is Turkish.


By Levi Boudrieau

Did you know “Donner” is actually pronounced “Donder?” People have changed Donder to Donner in many different stories. Donder got old and retired from being one of Santa’s reindeer. Perhaps people should pronounce Donder’s name right as Donder and not Donner. Give Donder some respect and call him by his real name. Did you know in some stories Donder is Rudolf’s dad? I didn’t know that until yesterday. THE END


By Logan Mohney

Most people believe Blitzen lives at the North Pole, but he really lives in Alaska with his family. Blitzen has a good life. He has a job towing sleighs. He tows sleighs to stay in shape. A couple of weeks before Christmas, Santa sends him a letter saying to come and start training. His favorite treat is a golden carrot. He is the fastest out of all the reindeer. He and Rudolph are best friends. Rudolph lives in Maine and every once in a while, Rudolph comes to visit. Rudolph is a different story. Blitzen still has a scar from the crash of 1883 when the Neurotransmitter went out and they hit the tops off some trees. He will probably grow to be old and if you ever see Blitzen, be sure to say hi.


By Makenzie Mikesell

Most people believe that Olaf is a snowman, but he is just a computer-generated image developed by Disney and Pixar. If Olaf was real he would have melted in the sun, which he didn’t. Olaf always has a smile on his face. He is really good friends with Anna and Elsa. Elsa made Olaf with her powers. In conclusion, he is just a computer-generated character.

Polar Express

By Monte Pettichord-Mathews

The Polar Express is the best train in the world. It was never on a train track, however. It was on the road and it went 80 miles-per-hour. Bob was one of the people on the train. When he sat down people came out with hot chocolate. People said that a guy lived on the top of the Polar Express. He would ride a four-wheeler down the polar express. When you see the place were Santa lives, while riding of the Polar Express, it will make you scared. It has elves that are two-inches long. However, when you see Santa, it’s the best feeling in the world.

Jack Skellington

By Natalie Teal

Do you know about the movie “The Nightmare before Christmas?” If you do, you probably don’t know the horrible truth. The horrible truth is that the protagonist, Jack Skellington, (The Pumpkin King) of course, was the original Santa Claus! He died before the other Santa Claus took his place. The other Santa Claus didn’t even know Jack existed. The Santa Claus in the movie and the other people of Santa’s home, Christmas Town, thought Jack impersonated Santa, but Jack just wanted his place back. Perhaps this is why Jack was so fond of Christmas.


By Owen Yost

Did you know that Chewbacca is really Han’s pet? Most people think Chewbacca is Han’s co-pilot. However, he is really just a big lap dog. He looks more like a dog, anyway. He doesn’t even speak. He just makes gurgling sounds. Perhaps this is why Chewbacca is so loyal. Every Christmas, Chewbacca puts lights on the space ship like a good boy. The End


By Paige Mohney

People think elves have red hats. However, they actually have green and white hats because they are Christmas colors. Santa wants them to be different. People actually think elves have red hats. The real reason why elves have white and green color hats is Santa wants to trick people so that they do not see elves when they come out. Perhaps that’s the real reason. That’s what I think of elves.


By Seazyn Russell

Did you know that Frosty was not alive? Frosty was a snowman that was made by children that were very creative. That old silk hat, however, was not actually magic. The kids believed so much that he was alive, that they imagined the whole thing. They had so much fun with him. Frosty was remade every year by each new generation every winter. Kids made Frosty every year. Frosty became a legend and he lived forever.

Frosty the Snowman

By Zack Wood

You may think you know a lot about Frosty the Snowman, but do you really? What you may think about Frosty is that he has a corncob pipe, a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal. However, he actually has a carrot nose, button eyes, and no pipe at all. The reason he has no pipe is because he needs to stop smoking. Perhaps this is why people never see Frosty. He doesn’t have a corncob pipe, and a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal.

Elf Story

By Daylan Marlow

Most people think that elves make all of the gifts for Christmas. However, elves can’t make everything. Also, elves are so small they can barely reach the table. They can’t even reach the far things. Elves wear green suits with hats and the hats have bells on them. So, how does Santa get all the things he needs for Christmas?


By Christian Cloin

Cupid is one of Santa’s reindeer. On Christmas, he is next to Blitzen, the other reindeer in the front of the sleigh. Santa’s Reindeer’s names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Commit, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolph. Those are all the names of the reindeer. The End

Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge

By Jennifer Morton

Who are two people that hate a time that you spent opening presents with your family? I have been doing research and it turns out that the two people that hate Christmas the most are actually best friends. Yep, you heard me right, the Grinch and Ebenezer are friends! Just take a minute to think about it. They both hate Christmas. I mean who hates Christmas? Wait...I just had a horrible thought. What if the Grinch and Ebenezer worked together to ruin Christmas? Anyway, why do you think that they hate Christmas? I had a brilliant Idea. I would buy them Christmas presents. So my family, Laura Hill, and I went out and bought them presents. They said “Thank you, Merry Christmas,” and they promised not to ever ruin Christmas again. Merry Christmas!


By Jesse Mings

Reindeer can’t fly because they don’t have wings. Reindeer live in colder areas and also like to eat peas, and grass. Reindeer can live up to 15-18 years old and live in Canada, Alaska, and at the North Pole. I think Reindeer like it better in a colder environment, such as Alaska because they have a bunch of fur. Reindeer are like Elk and Caribou. Reindeer have a fussy fur on their antlers called velvet. They get velvet when their antlers are growing. Their antlers get bigger as they get older.


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