Ten Years Ago
December 22, 2015
Friends and family are invited to share in celebrating the 60th wedding anniversary of Carl and Ardath (Ardie) Henze from 2 to 4 p.m. on December 31, 2005, in the Dorcas Room of the First Christian Church of Waitsburg. The couple met in Ontario, California, in 1942 where Carl was stationed with the Army Air Force, and Ardie was cashier for J.J. Newberry Co.
Special Christmas Edition Letter from seventh-grader, Taelor Carter: Dear Santa: For Christmas I would like to have a fun Christmas with snow, and my family being happy. Please help the flu stop going around in my school so that all of our Preston Hall basketball girls are healthy.
From seventh-grader James Lehr: Dear Santa: For Christmas I would like some shaving cream because I might need to shave in a while. Also, please make sure my sister is safe in Spokane.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 20, 1990
A quick run around the town recently revealed a number of Christmas lights befitting the season. The business houses on Main Street are all in “bloom,” continuing south, one finds the McCown, Jacoy, Zuger and Griffen homes all lighted on the end of the street to the Keves and Leids. Across the street, the Bruce House is now spotlighted nightly with a floodlight installed this past week by Dick Pettichord. Bill Thompson is the donor of the light which adds to the beauty of the old mansion.
Waitsburg Commercial Club enjoyed a special Christmas dinner Tuesday, and heard some entertaining comments from Bob Shields of Dayton about his early days in the ministry. Rose Engelbrite passed out ballots for a Christmas Lighting Contest sponsored by Commercial Club.
Fifty Years Ago
December 23, 1965
Robert P. Rogers of the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church and Jack A. Wylie of the Waitsburg Christian Church were the objects of a wide-spread search in the Blue Mountains last Thursday, December 16. They were found, safe and sound about 10:00 a.m. They had left Wednesday noon to hike in the Turkey-tail area north of Godman.
Special Christmas Edition letter from John Kenney: I would like a operation game. Some people do not have Christmas because they have no money. Please send them some money.
Special Christmas Edition letter from Guy McCaw: Dear Santa, How are your belly and beard? I hope your belly is fat and your beard is white. I would like an H.O. race car set and a walkie talkie. That’s about all I want for Christmas.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 27, 1940
Coach Geo. Blume awarded letters to the following football boys Wednesday; Norman Stanley, Roy Leid, Wade Wolf, Robert Perry, Jack Blize, Early Arthurs,, Bill Buchan, Bill Linville, Earl Cusick, Andrew Weir, Dick Wolf, Dorne Hall and Glen Hofer.
Winners in the outdoor Christmas illumination were Christian Endeavor Society, first; Mrs. Emerson Wheeler, second; Mrs. Josepha Elder, third. Mrs. Jessie Light won the indoor contest.
Charles Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sutton was honored recently by being selected historian of the Beta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Pi at Kinmam Business University.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 31, 1915
Homer Painter of Prescott and Miss Pearl Stimmel of Waitsburg, were married Wednesday.
The big dance will be at Segraves Hall New Year’s Eve in connection with a basket supper.
Miss Grace Stonecipher came down from Cheney to spend the holidays with the folks.
A. L. Brunson returned home Monday from Pampa, Wash. where he has been visiting his daughters, Mrs. A. M. Camp and Miss Caddie Brunson. He was away from the ranch eight weeks. A.L. says the trip must have done him good as he gained ten pounds while away.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 26, 1890
An antiquarian of the medical profession has made much research, and has discovered that cholic is a disease which has been prevalent in the human race about two thousand years. We know a few individuals in this city who have been belly-aching nearly that long.
“New Years will soon be here and we wish all to settle up. You prohibs, we know you have plenty of money because of not spending any for whiskey you cannot have any excuse for not commencing the New Year free from debts. And you who take a nip once in awhile, why not swear off until you can settle up, for we need the money very much, so please come to town and oblige. Very Respt. Yours, Preston Bros. & Parton
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