Donation will provide new roof and upstairs space
WAITSUBRG - Leona May Clarno passed away, at the age of 90, on Nov. 10, but will leave a lasting legacy. The longtime Waitsburg resident donated $20,000 to the City of Waitsburg, earmarked for use by the Weller Library.
Clarno was involved in the Sherwood Trust for many years, and served as both an administrator and Secretary of the Board of Trustees. In her passing, she left substantial donations to many organizations.
Waitsburg City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said the funds will be used to replace the rear roof of the library, which is greatly in need of repair. Next, the city will clean the cluttered upstairs and reassess the space to see how the space can best be utilized.
“When I heard about I thought it was just wonderful. It was so sweet of her to think of the library,” said library manager Rosie Warehime.
The Weller Public Library building is owned and maintained by the city, but library operations are managed by the library board and funded in part by the Friends of the Library.
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