Ten Years Ago
December 29, 2005
While Waitsburg may not appear to change significantly from year to year, 2005 will go down as a landmark year for the city and environs. Chief among the outward changes is the new bridge over Coppei Creek on the Preston Avenue/Highway 12 entrance. Fire made its changes to the Blue Mountains as the School Fire drastically altered the landscape there, and the homes of Mike and Markeeta Hubbard, and Robert and Terri Abernathy were lost to flames. The old Bolles School was also damaged by fire. On the brighter side, the area proudly recognized of if its native sons, Donald Hollenbaugh, A Prescott High School graduate, who received the Distinguished Service Cross, the second-highest commendation given, from Vice President Dick Cheney.
Anyone and everyone is invited to be on Main Street in Downtown Waitsburg at about 11 a.m. on New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31, to be included in the community portrait being taken for a book about Washington.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
December 27, 1990
Patrick McConnell, local manager of McGregor Company, has been working with Joe Small, Coordinator of the Regional Agricultural Training Center at Walla Walla Community College, to put together a helpful marketing seminar for wheat growers.
The Musical Department of Waitsburg Schools gave an enjoyable Christmas Program on December 20 to a good turnout of parents, grandparents and friends. . . Cara Hulce sand “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” dedicated to service personnel in the Middle East. A chorus of “bad boys,” Jesse McCaw, Adam Erikson and Matthew Wyatt, sang “Nuttin’ for Christmas.” Cheri Taft played guitar and sang along with Jennifer Jones and Jeremy Richards on “Tennessee Christmas.” . . . Accompaniment was provided by Velma Sickles, Shannon Wyatt and Rev. Michael Ferrians.
Fifty Years Ago
December 30, 1965
Ellsworth Conover was appointed commissioner for Columbia County Rural Fire District No. 2 Monday, December 20, by the county commissioners during their regular session. Conover replaces Francis Wood as fire district commissioner.
Photo caption: It was a happy group of kids who displayed this mess of steelhead which were caught on the Snake River last week by a group of Waitsburg fisherman. Holding the catch are J.E. McCaw, Greg Zuger, and Guy McCaw. Successful fishermen were Jack McCaw, Kenny Smith, Francis Wood, Ron Kenney, Bill Zuger, Bob Danforth, Glen Hofer, and John Gagnon. The group caught 15 fish, and they were beauties!
Don Gagnon, chairman of the Columbia Soil and Water Conservation District announced today that the District will hold its annual meeting and election on Thursday, Jan. 13 in the Junior Exhibit Building, Dayton Fair Grounds, from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
January 3, 1941
The people of this city who were served by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. and the county district surrounding with its more than 200 miles of metallicized lines, have been having a lot of fun since Saturday morning “trying out” their new dial telephone system.
Applications are now being taken for the new cotton mattress demonstration program being sponsored by the federal surplus commodities administration and the state extension service, it was announced last week by Mrs. Mary Davis, county home demonstration agent.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Atkinson, who have managed the local telephone exchange of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. for a number of years, moved Saturday to Walla Walla where Mrs. Atkinson will work in the Walla Walla telephone office.
One Hundred Years Ago
January 7, 1916
Hose cart house no. 2 was moved this week from the rear of the C.M. Taylor property on Academy Street to a new location on upper Main Street near the intersection of East Eight. It is now just off the pavement and the hose cart is really more accessible than it was before.
A. E. Clark and wife, and Robt. Purdy and wife arrived last week from their California trip. They experienced excellent weather conditions most of the time and enjoyed a splendid time.
Miss Kelly and the Coppei school rendered a nice program on Dec. 23. A very good crowd attended and all enjoyed it very much, after which Miss Kelly returned to her home in Walla Walla for a week’s vacation.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
January 2, 1891
Miss Ella Smith and Lizzie Ibberson gave a Fantastic Dress Party on New Year’s Eve at the elegant residence of S. W. Smith. The guests were arrayed in startling and unique costumes, and altogether it was a very happy and pleasant evening.
Blood is thicker than water, but from the way some men treat their families it appears to be a good deal thinner than whiskey.
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