Ten Years Ago
January 12, 2005
Members of 55 Plus will hold its first potluck of 2006 at Ye Towne Hall on Friday, January 13 at noon. Lillian Judd and Jo Polumsky will hostess.
United States Representative Cathy Morris (R) will visit her Waitsburg constituents for an informal coffee hour at 10 a.m. today, Thursday, January 12. The event will be at Delta Connection, 101 Main Street, Waitsburg, and is open to the public.
Students of the Month for December include Dakota Baker, Kristina Savelesky, Sarah Lindt, and Emily Wilson.
Photo caption: The competition was furious in the basketball contest between Waitsburg and Prescott last Tuesday. The Cards, with good efforts from John Gertsch (20), Jeff Hofer (4) and Josh Wilson (50) gave the Tigers a good game before falling 61-44.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
January 10, 1991
Waitsburg City Council met January 2 to hold a hearing on the annexation of the McGregor property and other city land in that area that is south of the railroad tracks. No citizens showed up for the hearing, so council passed the ordinance necessary to take care of the legal details of including the new property within the city limits. Planner Jim Beard was scheduled to appear at this council meeting, but again canceled due to very slick road conditions. Councilman Don Wills said he had talked to Grady Nix about possible retirement, but Grady said that he planned to work for two more years.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Thomas will be the honored guests at a reception marking their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Saturday afternoon, January 12 between the hours of 2 and 4:30 p.m. at the Walla Walla Elks Club.
Ron Carlson, local photographer, will entertain Commercial Club members on Tuesday, January 15, with some pictures and slides from the Waitsburg area. Ron, who worked for WWCC for a number of years, was a contributor to the recent folder showing color pictures of this area. He said his pictures will depict the beauty of the countryside, and some of them have sociological impact as well.
Fifty Years Ago
January 13, 1966
Two area employees of Green Giant Company retired from active service as of December 31, 1965. Carl Williams, of Waitsburg, is a 13 year Green Giant veteran. He and his wife Annalee, have four children and two grandchildren. Williams plans to travel and continue his hobbies of weather study, rock collecting and hunting. Clyde Britton, Dayton, began his career as an asparagus cutter and has, since 1958 operated an asparagus farm for the company.
Elected today as Chairman of the Washington Wheat Commission for the coming year was Clifford Tollett, Thorton, Ed Lawrence, Waitsburg, was elected Vice Chairman, and John R. Thomsen, Mansfield, was elected Secretary-Treasurer.
Waitsburg has a quartet of roving ambassadors who are just exactly that – a quartet.The Lions Club group made up of Bob Patton, Bob Sickles, Lee Mantz, Jr., and Jack McCaw were in Dayton last week for 4 separate performances. They sang for Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce, a Stockman’s dinner, and for one of the churches. They have blended in harmony for groups in Walla Walla and for an audience as far off as Spokane.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
January 17, 1941
Sewing and knitting for the British refugees, by the ladies of this city, has been going on for several months, but no mention has been made of it.
Howard Reser and James Stonecipher were accepted and approved by the Board of Commissioners Monday.
Hesper Archer has been named to the Columbia County Commissioners replacing the late Grant Low.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mikkelsen of Walla Walla are the parents of a son born Wednesday morning.
The PTA of this city is planning a unique entertainment in Preston Hall o Jan. 23. It is to be “A Trip Around the World” with entertainment and food representing Mexico, France, Scotland, China and Hawaii.
One Hundred Years Ago
January 21, 1916
Among the 19 members of the mid-year graduating class at the Cheney State Normal, we notice the name of Miss Marion B. Kingman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kingman, of this city.
Harvey Stonecipher killed hogs Tuesday.
Levi Dickenson, aged 90 years, died of pneumonia at his home in Dayton, Jan. 17.
Old Charley is dead. Nearly everybody in this city knew Old Charley – the handsome big white horse owned by H.D. Conover for so many years. He died Sunday of infirmities due to his advanced age for Charley was no colt being 27 years old.
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