Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - January 14, 2016

Ten Years Ago

January 19, 2006

Commercial Club has a new fund raiser – selling a book of Ed Lawrence’s most memorable columns that were published in The Times between 1946 and 1960. Lawrence, a long-time resident of this vicinity, authored a weekly column in those years following World War II, then pared back his efforts to covering the editor’s chair when then-publishers Carl and Virginia Dilts were on vacation. Lawrence commissioned a compilation of some of his “This ‘N That” columns in 2005, with a first printing of about 200 copies. He donated approx. 120 of “Some Good Times” to the Commercial Club to sell for a money-making project.

Jessie Winnett, a 2002 graduate of Waitsburg High School and a December, 2005 graduate of Washington State University with a degree in journalism, is a photo intern with the Washington State House of Representatives in Olympia.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 17, 1991

Mayor Roy Leid brought up a problem with the State Game Department. He said he thinks the game seasons are just too long, with the elk and bird season just concluding. Leid said he saw several young men with pheasants cornered during the 20 degrees below zero weather, and he thinks there will be no game left if the seasons are not shortened. Gene Horney said he had put out some feed for the birds during the very cold weather, and noted that he had not seen any bird feeding done by the Department of Game. Bernard Donnelly said that he has been attending game department hearings and was discouraged about how little citizen input was regarded.

Neil Carpenter was installed last Monday as Worshipful Master of Waitsburg Lodge No. 16, F.&A.M. Fellow officers include Andy Winnett as Senior Warden and Dan McKinley Junior Warden. Jack McCaw was the Installing Master, David McConnell Installing Marshal and Bill Zuger Installing Chaplain.

Fifty Years Ago

January 20, 1966

Monday morning is usually dull and uneventful – but not so the past Monday. We were in the TV Hardware swapping lies with Frank Zuger when we observed one of the local clergy – Earl Cooper by name – buying up all the Okie Drifters (Steelhead lures) in the store. Earl had all these fluorescent lures spread out in front of him and was handling them with great care and a glaze, far-away look in his eye which can come only from “fishing fever.” Seems like Ron Kenney took Earl out on the river last week and the “Rev” tied into a big fella which took an hour or so to land. From the look on Earl’s face, it will take several trips to the river to cure him. Some cases, it has been reported, are incurable.

Bill Payne, Bob Sickles, Stan Pierson, Lee Mantz, Jr., and Gerry Maib attended hearings in Pasco on January 10 discussing the pros and cons of consolidating county school superintendent offices.

The Waitsburg gym will be open for Sunday afternoon recreation between the hours of 3 and 5 p.m. starting on Jan. 23. Those participating are asked to furnish their own clothing and towels; the school will furnish equipment, balls, nets, etc. The Sunday afternoon play hour will continue until interest lags.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 24, 1941

Some 3000 acres of land in the Tucannon wild game refuge was purchased Friday by Leonard Springer, who has charge of the Pittman-Robinson projects for the state game commission. Pat Hirsch made highest ranking for the semester in high school with straight “A” marks. Others on the semester roll were Glen Hofer, Raymond Jeremiah, Bettie Pearson, Ruth Phillips, Cora Jean Eaton, Earl Arthurs, Mary Frances Conover, Gladyce Stark, Erma Crall, Joan Hamilton, Bonnetta Huwe, Evelyn Mills, Helen Lloyd, Elizabeth Sutton and Vivian Bachmann.

J. H. Cresswell of Phoenix, Az. arrived Tuesday to accept a positiong with the Touchet Valley Grain Growers.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 28, 1916

Club wheat reached the dollar mark here Friday for the first time in many months. Something over 250,000 bushels changed here on that day along at 100 cents net.

The blanket of snow that covered the Inland Empire vanished as if by magic before the Chinook wind of Friday and Saturday. However Sunday night fully six inches of snow again fell and a light fall continued all day Monday and part of Tuesday.

Miss Margaret Keve from Jasper Mountain was in Waitsburg Friday to take the 8th grade examination.

Marie Hermanns returned home from Walla Walla last week for a visit with the folks.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 23, 1891

Born at Walla Walla, Jan. 17, 1891, to the wife of Stephen Ringhoffer, a daughter.

The Freewater Herald and Milton Eagle have laid the hatchet to rest and now dwell together like the rattlesnake and owl in winter time.

Invitations are out for another of those pleasant social hops at the opera house, to take place Saturday evening.


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