Track Should not Be Near Cemetery
Dear Editor,
Dena Wood’s article on the meeting January 6 with Mayor Gobel and Brandon Kelly was excellent in laying out the many concerns residents of Waitsburg have about the proposed stock car racetrack at the fairgrounds. For many of the same reasons, I am opposed to any and all stock car races within walking distance and earshot of our town.
Here is something to consider in addition to all the liabilities that others have addressed. As it would be highly unlikely that anyone would build a cemetery next to a stock car dirt track, why would we want to build such a track right next to the existing cemetery where many families have laid their loved ones to rest (in peace)? On my walks through the cemetery, I’ll brush leaves off gravestones, pick up trash and set flower vases upright after wind has knocked them over, so I’ve become a bit protective of the final resting places of people who’ve lived and died here in Waitsburg. The idea of this noisy, dirty, dangerous sport disrespects the people who in their lifetimes helped make The City of Waitsburg “One of a Kind.”
Gail Gwinn
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