Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

School Board is Honored by Students

Board discusses student reps, new curriculum, and proposed raceway

WAITSBURG – Members of the Waitsburg School Board were recognized in honor of School Board Appreciation Month, during the board's Jan. 13 meeting.

Superintendent Carol Clarke presented certificates of recognition on behalf of the Washington State School Directors for each board member's service: Ross Hamann (11 years), Christy House (4 years), Randy Pearson (18 years), Marilyn Johnson (6 years), Russ Knopp (1 month).

First grade teacher Dinah Lindsey presented a banner and poster from the first grade and kindergarten classes, WHS ASB representatives gave the board members mugs that read "Because you believe in us, we believed in us," and the National Honor Society thanked the board with a card, cookies and punch. The fourth grade class also made a card for the board, expressing their appreciation.

Elementary Principal's Report – Dr. Carol Clarke

Students are taking interim, STAR, and MAP tests to help teachers evaluate student growth.

The Walla Walla Community College co-operative preschool is transitioning to an ECEAP program. The program is filled to capacity with a waiting list.

The Home and School Association has planned two fundraisers: a Star Wars movie on Jan. 15 and a spaghetti dinner in late January. (See story Page 12)

Secondary Principal's Report – Stephanie Wooderchak

High school students are currently taking MAP testing and end-of-course exams in algebra and biology.

WHS staff and students are practicing lockdown procedures. (See story Page 1)

Athletic Director's Report – Stephanie Wooderchak

Waitsburg will host four district 7/9 games on Mon., Feb. 15.

Waitsburg hosted its first wrestling meet on Tues., Jan. 12.

Transportation/Maintenance/Facilities Report – Colter Mohney

Colter will talk with Pacific Power & Light about possible rebates for lighting efficiency upgrades.

Bids closed on bus #4 and a van and no bids were received. The board authorized Colter to work with Macon Brothers about auctioning off the vehicles.

The new bus should arrive next week, following the installation of a block heater that was missing when it first arrived.

The Genie lift is beginning to fail and needs to be replaced or fixed.

The new, adjustable backboards have been installed and elementary students have been using them for the Saturday basic skills practices.

Superintendent's Report – Dr. Carol Clarke

January enrollment was 274; just below the 275 students budgeted for. Enrollment for January 2015 was 291.

Levy and bond pamphlets will be mailed out on Jan. 21 and 22 and Dr. Clarke will make a presentation to the Commercial Club on Jan. 21.

KOMO TV sent the school a public records requested an accounting of how many and what brands of football helmets are in use and how many and what brands have been retired.

The district will hold a joint work session with the Dayton School District on Jan. 27 at 7 p.m. in the Waitsburg Elementary School library to hear from the football combine exploratory committee.

Public/Board Comment

WHS teachers Roseann Groom, Liv Leid, and Sarah Reser (via letter) thanked the board for the recently purchased Holt McDougal language arts curriculum, for grades 6-12, and discussed several of the features they have found helpful. Groom was especially impressed with how the curriculum integrates modern applications with traditional literature and how much teacher preparation time is saved. "Some of the work I've received from juniors and seniors this year has been phenomenal," she said.

Board member Russ Knopp asked the board to consider adding a student representative to the board. (See story at right)

New Business

Approved the surplus of bus #2.

Approved a letter of engagement to use Foster Pepper legal firm as bond counsel.

The board authorized Dr. Clarke to draft a letter asking the Waitsburg City Council to refrain from making a decision on the proposed Waitsburg Raceway until the school board has more information. The board was concerned about the proximity of the school to the proposed raceway and the possibility that school property might be used for parking. Dr. Clarke will meet with Brandon Kelly, who is proposing the raceway, on Wed., Jan. 20.


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