Please Vote for School Levies
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter in support of the Dayton School M&O levy and Capital Projects Bond, not because I am an employee of the district, but because I support all schools in all communities. As a second grade student, I experienced what it was like to have a school levy fail. The elementary school I attend was closed for a year and all the students were bussed to other schools in the district. My parents had four children in two different schools due to elimination of local funding.
While busing students to other schools is not something that would happen in Dayton, the possibility of programs and staff being reduced or eliminated due to loss of funding is a reality. The state of Washington is still working to fulfill the court order of fully funding public education, but it is not there yet. The job of providing the remaining funds of educating our students falls on the community in the form of Maintenance and Operation Levy’s and Capital Project Bonds. Voting to support these two school funding ballot measures is a vote to support the kids in the community.
The M&O Levy will replace the current levy that expires the end of this year and provide funds to maintain current programs and extra-curricular activities as well as a K-12 counselor. The technology amount of the bond has not increased and will help maintain and improve access to technology for all students. The capital bond allow the district to make much needed repairs to facilities and replace outdated doors and communications systems. The district works to be good stewards of public funds and provide all students with a safe and secure learning environment. I urge everyone to become informed voters and vote to support the Dayton School District and its students.
Pam Lindsley
Dayton Elementary School Principal
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