School Board Deserves Thanks
Dear Editor,
Five citizens coming together to serve as board of directors providing direction to the community’s public school system is the short summary of what being a school board member is all about. Behind that statement is a level of commitment which deserves to be recognized. School board members in our community serve the needs of students, employees, parents, and community members. As a group they take on the many challenges which arise throughout each school year with an eye to the future.
Since 2009 I have worked with and for citizens who have committed themselves to the challenges of hiring personnel, setting goals, making financial decisions, caring for facilities, understanding policy, negotiating contracts, and all the while watching and waiting for children to complete their education here in Dayton before moving forward with their future. I am grateful for the time and expertise of local citizens who agree to serve. I hope you take a moment to thank our local board members, past and present, for their leadership and commitment to the public schools in Dayton.
Douglas Johnson
Superintendent, Dayton School District
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