Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - January 28, 2016

Ten Years Ago

February 2, 2006

The Waitsburg High School FFA Trap Team traveled to Colton, Wash., Saturday, January 21. The two teams placed fifth and eighth out of 20 teams. Connor Talbot, Jacob Bly, Tysen Beckner and Patrick Bly placed in the top 50 shooters.

A graduation ceremony for participants in the Sherwood Trust Touchet Valley Community Leadership Program was held at the Delaney Building in Dayton on Saturday, January 21. Awarding certificates was Jock Edwards, Sherwood Trust president, and leaders were Maura Schwartz and Mary Nixon. Graduates included Anita Baker, L. R. “Skip” Carpenter, Patty Eng, Marchand Hovrud, Mandi Konen, Libby McCaw, Brian Black, Jessica Coffey, Kevin House, Deanne Johnson, Candy Jones, John Laib, Brad McMasters, Rosy Nechodom, Sarah Paul, Becky Stevenson, Elizabeth Thorn, Chelsea Miller, Tanya Patton, Cleome Rowe, Susan Skeeters and Ann Strode.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 31, 1991

The Honor Roll for Waitsburg Schools was released this week for the first semester of the 1990-91 school year. Leading the list with all A’s were Ryan Jacoy, freshman; Heather Wyatt and Charlie McCown, juniors; Angel Adams and Angela Ferguson, seniors.

Odako Club met at the home of Velma Sickles on Jan. 24 with Myra Bloor as co-hostess. Carrie Cole won the door prize. Sirrka Witt presented a program on Knot Art and demonstrated by painting a race horse and jockey on a pine knot.

John Payne was named President of the Waitsburg Ambulance Service personnel at a meeting held Monday night at the

Fire Hall. Don Helgeson, WAS EMT, was named vice-president for the upcoming year, and Bob Stokes was named liaison to the ambulance board from the Personnel Organization for Continuing Education. Dr. S. R. Hevel will again serve as the group’s Medical Advisor.

Fifty Years Ago

February 3, 1966

Waitsburg Rifle Team of Joe Abbey, Howard Smith, Dean Hermanns, Doug Beckel now leads the Class A Rifle division of the Blue Mountain Rifle and Pistol League with a 14-2 match record. Other teams in order of placing are Nyssa, Pomeroy, LaGrande #1 and Walla Walla #1.

At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of Prescott School District No. 402-37, James D. Erwin was re-elected Clerk of the Board for the coming year. After a presentation by the Board and the Superintendent, the group felt that the financial situation of the district would enable it to operate effectively during the 1966-1967 school year without resorting to a special excess levy. This will be the second successive year that Prescott School District has not had a special levy.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 7, 1941

It looked as though about one-half of Waitsburg attended the production of “The Merry Mad Revue” staged Sunday afternoon by inmates of the State Penitentiary, at Walla Walla.

John (Jack) Pettyjohn, 81, pioneer of the district, died early Saturday at his home, 8 miles west of this city. Death was caused from a heart attack. He had been slightly ill for several days.

Mesdames John Cloduis, Henry Zuger, Wes Lloyd, Rufus Veatch and Jellie Light attended a luncheon Friday at Mrs. Boyd Shelton’s in Walla Walla. Mrs. Light and Mrs. Fred Odgen won prizes at contract.

George Lloyd, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lloyd, had the misfortune while playing at school Tuesday to slip and fall breaking his shoulder bone. He was taken to Dayton by Dr. E.J. Lewis for an x-ray.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 11, 1916

H. W. Merte this week sold the stock and fixtures of the Waitsburg Harness Shop to C. W. Williams of Grandview, Wash.

Glenn Conover and wife took a buggy ride Tuesday.

Charley Neace has had from one to two teams on the road hauling feed from S. A. Phelps’ to his ranch to feed his herd of cattle. Hay stacks look like gold mines.

Charley Shaffer made a desperate attempt to drive to his farm ten miles southwest of this city Tuesday. He put four big horses to his cutter and started out over the snow filled road. He made it too.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 6, 1891

For some cause the arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McKinney some two weeks ago, was not reported at The Times headquarters. However, the young lady is still there, and will doubtless remain for a number of years.

Thursday of last week, J.P. Utt met with a painful mishap. He was riding between the railroad track and a wire fence when his horse became frightened at a passing locomotive and dashed into the fence, the barbed wire tearing the clothes from Mr. Utt and severely scratching his limbs, while the horse was so badly cut as to nearly bleed to death.


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