DAYTON — At their regular meeting on Feb. 3, the Dayton School Board gave their unanimous approval to the football combine between Dayton and Waitsburg.
Superintendent Doug Johnson said if the Waitsburg School Board approves the union at their meeting on Feb. 10, the paperwork can be sent to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association.
Johnson said the combined team will play in the 2B league, mostly against teams in the Yakima Valley. He also said there are still some logistical issues that need to be resolved, particularly around cheerleading, homecoming activities and transportation.
Practices are to be held at Waitsburg, and home games will be split between the two schools, Johnson said. The cost to the Dayton School District for transporting athletes to Waitsburg for practices is between $100 and $150 per day, but Waitsburg is agreeing to pay for transportation costs for away games, he explained.
Time and money usually spent preparing the fields, and having to only hire two assistant coaches, will save money for the district, Johnson said.
“This is an opportunity to have more kids involved,” he added.
Johnson said both athletic departments are currently working on a draft of the schedule in anticipation of the approval.
The school board also extended Superintendent Johnson’s contract with the Dayton School District for one year, along with a 3% cost of living adjustment. Johnson has been in the position since July 1, 2009, and the postion has not had a salary increase since 2007, according to information provided by school district officials.
The school board also approved the resignation of Rob Moore, the high school business education teacher, who will retire at the end of the year.
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