Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - February 11, 2016

Ten Years Ago

February 16, 2005.

Odako Club met Thursday , February 9, at the home of Joan Helm with sixteen members present. Preparations were made for the Annual Spring Luncheon to be held April 2, 2006. The theme will be “Spring is in the Air.” A Valentine’s party was held with games being played and prizes given. Each member received a Valentine. A great time was had by all! Dona Jean Smith served a delicious salad with the idea of the salad being offered on the menu at the sprint luncheon.

Walla Walla Troop 305 ‘s Sam Wright, Alex Leathers and John Hockersmith collected 480 pounds of groceries for the Waitsburg Food Bank recently.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 14. 1991

Metha Stonecipher will be honored at her 90th birthday party on Feb. 23rd at the Waitsburg Presbyterian Church between the hours of 2 and 4 o’clock. The event will be hosted by her children, Roberta and Ed Kelber, Stanton, CA., daughter and son-in-law; Alberta Leid, Bothell, daughter-in-law; and Roy and Pat Leid, son and daughter-in-law.

Six past matrons of Waitsburg Chapter of Eastern Star enjoyed a luncheon and relaxing afternoon at the home of Patty Horney on Saturday afternoon. Sharing the day were Barbara Danforth, Barbara Burres, Elizabeth Abbey, Deloris Ford and Bettie Chase.

Jack McCaw, subbing as tail twister for son Guy, set a new standard for the Lions club drawing Tuesday, rewarding only those who have been, or are potentially, harvest drivers for his ranch.

Fifty Years Ago

February 17, 1966

Larry Broom, Waitsburg businessman, was named “Man of the Year” by the Waitsburg Commercial Club at the annual banquet held Saturday, February 12. Larry served as chairman of the successful Centennial Celebration in 1965, has been in charge of several annual banquets, and has been active for several years in the Boy Scout-Campfire drive and activities of Troop 336.

Glen Hofer, Waitsburg wheat rancher and recent past president of the Washington Association of Wheat growers, announced his intention this week to file on the Democratic ticket for the legislative seat in the State House of Representatives from district 11A.

A feature of Ladies Night at the Waitsburg Lions Club was the group that is working hard to put Waitsburg on the map – the Lions Club Quartet. Belting out a tune in their fine manner are Jack McCaw, Lee Mantz, Jr., Bob Sickles, and Bob Patton.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 21, 1941

The Alto Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dave Barnes for a 12:30 luncheon. The guests were seated at 2 long tables with the decorations of the Valentine motif. Mrs. Barnes was assisted by Mrs. Mount Shaffer and Mrs. Marvin Barnes.

Miss Janice Roberts entertained a group of her schoolmates at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts, north of town, Saturday evening.

Mrs. Clifford Trout entertained the children of the Junior Church Saturday afternoon in the basement of the Christian Church. It was a Valentine party and games appropriate were played.

The Touchet Valley Grain Growers, Inc. will immediately enlarge its operations in this community by the addition of a Hardware Department.

The average laymen would not think about there being any damage to fall-sown wheat this past winter, so mild as the weather has been, but reports are reaching this office of considerable damage to grain.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 25, 1916

William G. Preston, aged 83 years, a resident of this city since 1866 and one of the best known pioneers of the Inland Empire passed away Sunday night at the home of his son, Charles B. Preston, at Portland where he had made his home for the past two years.

A party of ten boys and girls (on Jasper Mountain) attended the Fletcher dance, Friday night, going on horseback, which reminded one of a part of the U.S. cavalry in search of trouble. A big crowd and a jolly time is reported.

Word has been received here from Mayview to the effect that twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Clodius Jr., last Tuesday Feb. 15. Congratulations.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 20, 1891

A very enjoyable time was had by the young people southeast of the city on Tuesday night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Conover, and the parlor amusements, music and songs, soon made the fun run into a late hour of the night, all returning home pleased with the entertainment afforded by the host and hostess.

L. T. Parker on Monday purchased from Lewis Neace 70 head of the finest cattle ever driven thru the streets of Waitsburg. They weighed an average of 1360 pounds each and Mr. Parker paid $40 a head for them.

The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church will serve oysters and lunch at the Opera House on Tuesday night, Feb., 24th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Lunch, 25 cents; oysters 10c a dish extra.


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