Jan. 24
Report of possible counterfeit money being passed in 400 block of W. Main, under investigation. Report of possible counterfeit money being passed in 300 block of W. Main, unfounded. Report of threats made during a child exchange in 400 block of E. Main were forwarded to prosecutor. Report of a person walking on the white line of the roadway on US-12. Deputy made contact and brought them into town. Report of people getting out to ski in National Forest area near Bluewood, unfounded.
Jan. 25
Report of a theft of a vehicle license plate on 300 block of W. Commercial. Occurred on the 24th prior to 9 a.m. Report of an illegal burn in Starbuck. Report of a child not in a child seat, unfounded. Report of an interrupted vehicle prowl in 1000 block of S. 4th. Subject left on a bicycle, wearing a gray sweatshirt.
Jan. 27
Report of prowl in progress on 300 block of E. Spring, unfounded. Sex offense, under investigation. Unwanted subject reported at 500 block of W. Main. Report of a parked, abandoned vehicle on Lower Hogeye Hollow. Vehicle was listed as stolen out of Walla Walla and owner and car were reunited. Report of harassing texts in 700 block of S. 5th.
Jan. 28
Report of two men breaking into a residence in the 500 block of E. Day. Men were from a property management company, but were at the wrong house. Report of an illegal burn in Starbuck.
Jan. 29
Report of unwanted subject in 500 block of W. Cameron. Report of 40’ish male wearing a black/blue hoodie and a black/blue coat with red pajama pants who stole a purse out of a vehicle in 200 block of S. 3rd. Deputies unable to locate, under investigation. Complaint of fraudulent mail. Advised not to answer it and throw it away after shredding. Subject removed road closed sign, ran over it, then threw it off the side of the roadway on Maloney Mtn. Rd. Jeffrey Brooks, 22, Dayton, was booked into jail on charges of driving while license suspended. Eric Vanzandt, 31, Dayton, was booked into jail on charges of assault in the 2nd and 4th degree.
Jan. 30
Report of individual living in residence in 400 block of Dayton Ave. being argumentative. No crime committed. Report that individuals living in residence were becoming more argumentative. No crime committed, complainants options explained. Complainant in 200 block of S. 1st wants a resident of his house to move out. Civil options were explained to all parties. Report of hammering noise late at night at Valley View Trailer Court. Residents say they were killing snakes. No snakes were visible and occupant agreed to wait until morning to kill any more.
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