Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Prescott School Board Minutes Update

Feb. 21, 2016 Special Meeting

Board members: Karen Tonne, Sara Fletcher, Leann Griffin, Erik Young, Eva Madrigal

Leann Griffin was sworn in as a newly elected board member for Position/Seat 4.

First reading of Policy #5401 dealing with sick leave.

Discussed fees and utilities charges for district rental units.

Superintendent Cox will follow up with Bill Clemmons and R.E.A. about solar panels.

Superintendent Cox reported that last year approximately 15 junior high and high school students were active in sports. This year, 60 students are active. The school atmosphere/culture is much stronger and positive. This is shown by the smiles on their faces, attire, and improved schoolwork. Families are filling the bleachers at the games and the pep band has improved.

Superintendent Cox and Erik Young advised the board of a legislative update meeting in Waitsburg. It was noted the influence OSPI has to change the course of the state testing standards per the passing of the Obama recommendation. Cox also shared that the E.S.D.’s mission is now to focus on teacher/staff compensation. He asked if a board member would accompany him to the February legislative meeting in Olympia.

Cox informed the board of Vista Hermosa Elementary’s priority status.


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