Ten Years Ago
February 23, 2006
Spacious high ceilings, Transom windows with original hardware, etched with beautiful designs. Authentic period skylights. Original woodwork. Red fir floors. Sound elegant? It is. Visitors to Waitsburg and environs might choose to spend the night in the recently renovated rooms offered by Nothing New Antiques owners Lupe and Sandra Torres’ Nothing New Lodging.
A Waitsburg teen hopes to travel to the British Isles this summer as part of the 50th People to People Ambassador program. Jessi Mason, 16-year-old daughter of Gerald and Kathy Mason of Waitsburg, is one of seven young people from the area to participate in the program founded in 1956 by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The Waitsburg City Council named five people to its Historic Preservation Commission at its meeting February 15. Jeff Broom, Lupe Torres, Mike Hubbard, John Stellwagen, and Leroy Cunningham will serve as commissioners to review and act upon applications by owners of historic Waitsburg business properties who seek tax breaks on renovated buildings. Walla Walla County Assessor Bill Vollendorff will advise the group.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
February 21, 1991
Mrs. Blanche Turner was honored last week by Commander John Hazelbaker and the members of the Bobbie Pettichord VFW Post 7021 of Waitsburg. Mrs. Turner is the mother of Bobbie Pettichord who was killed June 13, 1945 on Luzon in the Phillipines just prior to the end of World War II.
Marvin and Patty Eng of Walla Walla are the parents of a seven pound, 15 ounce daughter, Loren Maddison, born February 16 at St. Mary Medical Center. Hr Chinese name is Mi Gin meaning “Pretty Expensive.” Grandparents are Yick and Haun Kuen Eng of Moscow; Beryl Witt and Neil Witt of Waitsburg, MR. and Mrs. King Witt are great-grandparents.
Roy Leid presented a program to Commercial Club Tuesday on a trip which he and Pat took last summer to visit son Mark, his wife, Cassandra, and son Nicholas, in Strasbourg, France.
Fifty Years Ago
February 24, 1966
A new $110,000 business in fertilizers and herbicides and a staff of three will be opening in Waitsburg on March 1. The Brea Ag Service will be operated by general manager Gordon Bergevin, a native of Walla Walla county.
The Waitsburg chapter of the Future Farmers of America honored the achievements of its outstanding members and accepted into honorary membership three Waitsburg men for service to the local chapter. Howard Smith, Bill Towers, and Ellsworth Conover were called forth by President Steve Witt, and the memberships were conferred upon them by Jerry Wood.
Attending the Music Educators All-State Conference in Spokane on Feb. 21, 22, and 23 were Mr. and Mrs. Duane French, Julie Stonecipher and Jim Stewart. Miss Stonecipher sand in the All-State Chorus and Steward played trumpet in the All-State Band in the concert presented Wednesday night.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
February 28, 1941
Delta Lodge No. 70, Knights of Pythias celebrated its Golden Anniversary on Thursday evening of last week, Feb. 20, along with the 77th Anniversary of the founding of the Pythian Order which occurred Feb. 19, 1864.
Mrs. Ted Bachmann entertained a group of friends at a dinner party on Tuesday in honor of the birthday anniversary of her sister, Mary Elizabeth Walker. At this time Miss Walker announced her engagement to Mr. Virgil Carpenter. The wedding is to be an event of early June
One Hundred Years Ago
March 3, 1916
Saturday there was a 5-cent slump in the wheat market and Monday came another dropping wheat from 85 cents to 75 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rhay who have been living in Waitsburg for the past few months, while Mr. Rhay assisted R. Howard in the blacksmith shop, will leave Thursday morning for Milton for a visit, before making definite plans for the future.
Born – In this city Monday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Zuger, Jr., a son, weighing ten pounds.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
February 27, 1891
Bear skins are worth $12 a piece in this city when there is a market, but there is now no market – it is glutted.
About forty of Miss Lillie Hollowell’s friends gave her a birthday surprise party on Thursday evening. A pleasant time is reported.
In the case of the State of Washington vs. Ed Goodlake, of Huntsville, charged with stealing dogs last October, the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. We have held all along that the boy was innocent, and we are indeed glad he has established his innocence.
Sleigh riding and snow balling were the order of exercises in the Burg on Monday.
It is said that there is more snow in the mountains this winter than for several years, all of which bodes good in various ways.
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