Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Earth and Space Pollution

By the Waitsburg Elementary 5th Grade Class

Pollution is a significant problem on Earth and in Space. Although many people don’t know about space pollution, Earth may be threatened by it. Likewise, pollution on Earth continues to be a problem. There may be solutions to each source of pollution that requires a change in attitude and approach to all pollution. Perhaps, if we work together, we could make a healthy place in which our grandchildren will be able to live peacefully.

Space pollution is a rising problem. Not many people know, but there are millions of tons of space pollution orbiting Earth as we speak. Additionally, only one piece of this space debris with a diameter of 5-10cm is big enough to cause irreversible damage to the International Space Station and other orbiting equipment. Luckily, agencies such as the European Space Agency (ESA) are working to identify and remove space debris to reduce the risk. However, not enough people know or care about this type of pollution to make a large enough difference.

Sadly, the type of pollution we’re most familiar with is preventable. However, pollution on Earth continues to be a problem. People continue to litter out their windows and their exhaust pipes. Large corporations have continued to pollute the atmosphere because it’s cheaper. The sad truth is that, if pollution continues to occur at its current rate, the Earth will not be around for our grandchildren to see it. There may still be a chance to reverse some of the negative effects of pollution.

If we work together, we can all solve the pollution problem. Many people think they, themselves, are just not enough to prevent pollution. However, if we recycle and throw away only the things that are biodegradable, we may be able to stop the effects of pollution in its tracks. We may need to create penalties to keep people honest about stopping pollution. We may need to reevaluate the current practices of space exploration. We need to inform and educate all people about the ways of reducing pollution and preventing the effects on our precious earth. We may just make the world a better place.

If we work together, our grandchildren might be able to play on clean playgrounds, swim in clean water, and eat healthy food. Pollution in space is threatening our way of life. We’re not even doing enough to reduce pollution in our own back yard, Mother Earth. When we work together, we can solve all the pollution problems. Is what’s convenient, worth the quality of life for those yet to be born?


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