Book chat, reading with a pooch and library card design are new programs
DAYTON--A book chat for people who like to read, reading with a dog for children, and a contest to help design new library cards, are in the works at the Dayton Memorial Library.
"Sit, Stay, Read" is an activity that will help children improve their reading skills and reading confidence, according to the children's librarian Carolyn Laib.
Laib said that on Fridays at 3:30 p. m., beginning on March 18, children can cuddle up and read with Tex, Laib's three-year-old Australian shepherd.
Tex has spent some time with Booker Nursing Home residents in the past, and he is gentle, and sociable, Laib said.
Bring your own beverage to "Book Chat", which will also take place at 7 p.m. on Fridays, beginning on April 8, according to head librarian Dusty Waltner and co-organizer Tanya Patton.
"This is to be more of a literary conversation, rather than assigning books to read," Waltner said.
Patton agrees. She thinks life is too short to have to read books in a book club format, and wants to help provide a social opportunity for kindred spirits to talk about books.
There will also be games, camaraderie, snacks, and great laughs, Waltner promised.
Waltner also talked about the art contest getting underway that will help decide designs for new library cards.
"We are starting to run out of library cards, and we are starting fresh on a new design," she said, "so we decided to let the community in on it."
The contest is open to people living in Dayton, and in Columbia County, Waltner said.
Entries are in four age groups: eight and under, nine through twelve, thirteen through seventeen, and eighteen and up.
One winner from each age group will be picked by members of the Blue Mountain Artists' Guild at their meeting in March. Winners will be announced on March 31, and will each receive a $25 gift certificate for pizza from Chief Springs restaurant, Waltner said.
Information about the contest can be found at the Columbia County Rural Library Facebook page, she said. The entry form can be picked up at the front desk at the library, or on the library website at:
Entries must be submitted by 2 p. m. on March 19, Waltner said.
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