Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Police Notes - March 17, 2016


Nothing reported.

Columbia County

Feb. 21

Burglary reported at buildings on US12, MP361.

Feb. 22

William Tewalt, 45, Dayton was arrested on two Benton County warrants. Approx. seven bags of pellets were stolenfrom the 1000 block of S. 4th St. Report of a shop on Hatley Gulch Rd. burglarized during the winter. Air compressor, welder, oxyacetylene tanks were reported missing. Parties were separated ina loud family disagreement in the 200 block of N. 2nd.

Feb. 23

Jonathan Weis, 22, Waitsburg was transported from Walla Walla and booked into the Columbia County Jail on a Columbia County warrant for assault in the 4th degree, domestic violence. Report of renters moving out and vandalizing house in 300 block of E. Washington. Report of young men shooting at coyotes from McKay-Alto Rd and into private property.

Feb. 24

Report of person with a protection order against resident trying to enter residence in the 300 block of E. Richmond. Deputy was unable to locate. Five dollars was taken from a vehicle on W. Clay. A search warrant of 705 E. Maple #7 in Waitsburg resulted in the discovery of stolen items and the arrest of Lonnie Marick. Threats to an individual being threatened by a resident for parking in front of the residence. Victim was assured that it is not against the law to park in front of a residence that is not yours. Litter on Hogeye Hollow, MP 4. A fridge with a “free” sign was on the side of the roadway. No one wants it and it is not infront of a residence.

Feb. 25

A dog running at large attacked another dog along the dike. Report of trespassing in Lewis Peak area. Personal ID and documents were found on S. 4th St. and turned in. Unwanted subject refusing to leave property in 200 block of S. 2nd St.

Feb. 26

Knife was found on courthouse steps.

Feb. 27

Mutual reports of harassment in the 100 block of E. Patit. Both parties told to cease. Theft of approximately 20 gallons of diesel was stolen from a pickup in the 200 block of E. Jackson. Wallet found on N. Touchet Rd. and turned in.

Feb. 28

Report of a person seen inside the reporting party’s vehicle in 100 block of W. Washington. Unable to locate. Collision in 600 block of Wagon Road when driver swerved to miss small dogs in roadway, left the roadway, and struck the side of a building. Report of harassing text messages.

Feb. 29

Report of two metal gas cans full of old oil stolen from 300 block of S. 7th by a male wearing a dark coat and driving a white pickup. Unable to locate.

March 1

Gary Marshall, 60, Burbank, was booked into Columbia County Jail on a court order. Vehicle prowl reported in 1200 block of S. 2nd; $2-$3 missing.

March 2

Several theft reports from Pik-a-Pop, Dayton Mercantile, Dingles, and General Store. Ray Schillinger, 23, N. Highlands, Calif. was arrested and booked into jail on two charges of theft in the third degree, one charge of giving false information to an officer, one charge of obstruction, and two out-of-county warrants.

March 3

Non-injury collision when driver failed to negotiate a curve on lower Weinhard Rd., fishtailed, and went off an embankment. Vehicle hit nose-first and rolled onto passenger side. Report of texting harassment.

March 4

Report of possible mail fraud. Aggressive panhandler trespassed from private property in area of 300 block of E. Main.

March 5

Report of erratic vehicle passing on right, speeding, and throwing beer cans out of car on N. Touchet Rd. Father was contacted and advised of complaint. Report of vehicle with erratic lane of travel on US12.


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