Ten Years Ago
March 30, 2006
Waitsburg’s Garden Club held its first meeting Monday evening March 27 at Delta Connection, under the direction of funder Karen Gregutt. Eighteen charter members formed the new group.
Twenty-nine members and guests of 55 Plus enjoyed a “wee bit o’ green” during a noon potluck at Ye Towne Hall, March 24. Lillian Judd and Netta Mohney served as hostesses. The group welcomed back and sang “Happy Birthday” to Margaret Rutledge, and welcomed guests Clarice Aaronson, Richard and Loretta Done, and Denise Wood.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
March 28, 1991
Vance Orchard, noted area historian and Waitsburg Times columnist, will be the featured speaker at Commercial Club on Tuesday, April 2. Orchard, who authored “Waitsburg, One of A Kind,” for the Historical Society, has spent years writing about interesting people in this area.
John Watts threw a 4 hitter in Waitsburg’s 13-3 win over Prescott in the first game of a doubleheader last Saturday on the home field. Watts helped his own cause by collecting two hits in the game.
Sandy Conover, representing the National Honor Society, asked council members for some suggestions as to what the school group could do to assist in community clean-up during April. Mayor Roy Leid said that there are elderly people in town who have no way to dispose of lawn and garden clippings or brush trimmings, and he felt that would be an excellent project for the students.
Fifty Years Ago
March 31, 1966
The third candidate for the 1966 Days of Real Sport Queen is Jeannie Bowles, a 16-year-old Junior from Prescott High School. Jeannie is a brown-haired, hazel-eyed lass who stands 5’2 ½” tall. Jeannie is the daughter of Mrs. Lora Mae Bowles and Mr. Gene Bowles.
The annual W-Club banquet will be held on Monday evening, April 4, at 6:30, in the school multi-purpose room. Guest speaker for the evening will be Keith Loper, head football coach at Whitman College. Bob Danforth will serve as master of ceremonies. Norman Hansen is W-Club President.
Mrs. Ervin Ely has been hired to teach seventh grade in the Waitsburg system.
Sixty Years Ago
April 6, 1956
Miss Dorothy Wehe, daughter or Mr. and Ms. George Wehe of Eueka has been chosen as Fairest Farmerette of the S.E. Washington Fair.
Bill Houger, 17, of Prescott, was elected state president of the Future Farmers of America of the close of the group’s 25th annual convention at Pullman Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. A.S. Pearson are the parents of a daughter born Monday, April 2 at Brining Hospital in Dayton. She has been named Sandra Lee.
Gerald Vollmer, Bob Estes and Dick Wolfe won medals in the Blue Mountain Pistol Shoot, Class B, for second place in the match.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
April 4, 1941
Dr. Burgund of this city has 3 ½ acres of asparagus now in its 3rd year and ready for market cutting. The crop has been contracted to the Dayton Cannery and cutting started this week.
Mr. and Mrs. King Witt, Jr. moved into the Joe Smith home during the weekend.
The mattress project under the sponsorship of the federal surplus commodities will start in this city Friday.
Elmer Kanz son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kanz, who has been on a surveying job over near Yakima received a telegram to come to Sacramento California to accept a like position there. He left on Wednesday after a short visit here with his parents.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 7, 1916
Miss Marion Kingman has been engaged to take charge of the Spring Valley School in place of Miss Pentecast, resigned.
Mrs. Adelle Robinson of Walla Walla drove up Saturday and spent a few hours with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Morgan. She was accompanied by Mrs. J. J. Smith and daughter, Bernice of Enumclaw, who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Robinson for a few days.
Born – in this city, Monday, April 3, to Mr. and Mrs. L.A.Mantz a son weighing 9 ¾ pounds. Mrs. Mantz was the former Joyce McKinney. Grandpa T. Virgil has “the smile that won’t come off.”
Miss Clytie Hamm and Mr. Walter Buroker, both young people of this city were quietly married in Walla Walla last Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
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