POMEROY – The April Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon will be held at the Pataha Flour Mill (50 Hutchens Rd., Pomeroy), on April 13 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch is $10 and will be catered by the Pataha staff.
This month’s speaker is Wanda Lemkuhl of Payette, Ida. Wanda will speak about how God plans for us to bloom wherever we are, sharing steps to blooming. The Special Feature is a “Style on a Dime” fashion show, with clothes worn from “Wild Country Wearables” in Pomeroy. Wanda will provide musical entertainment as well.
Reservations are needed by April 8 and cancellations by April 11. Call July at (509) 399 2005 for reservations or to arrange childcare.
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