Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Thank You After School Volunteers

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the After School Task Force, we want to thank the many volunteers who contributed to a very successful After School Pilot Program which concluded on March 31, 2016. There is no doubt that the program would never have happened without the countless hours of preparation and facilitation on the part of our volunteers. A total of 50 youth, grades 3 – 6 participated in art, dance, gardening, soccer, basketball, football, and granola making.

We want to thank the following volunteers for their commitment to the program: Suzie Rogers, Dallas Dickinson, Jorge Zuniga, Roz Edwards, Anne Strode, Gerald Pulliam, Kris Takemura, Suzi Tasker, Delphine Bailey, Brad McMasters, Denise Hoon, Doug Johnson, Clayton Strong, Martha Lanman, Kathy Mason, DJ Frame, and James Duncan. We also want to thank the following funders and in-kind providers: Dayton School District for facilities front office support and food service support, Seneca for a $250.00 grant plus gardening supplies, Blue Mountain Foundation, Dayton Columbia Fund for a $2,500 grant, Columbia County Library for facilities space and sharing equipment, and Blue Mountain Station management and businesses. We sincerely hope that we did not leave anyone out, but if we did, thank you for your contribution.

The After School Task Force will be meeting in the near future to discuss the future of the program. We welcome feedback from students, parents, facilitators, and planners as we determine the future of the program. Please feel free to email comments to:

Peggy Gutierrez



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