Dayton will host varsity squad, Waitsburg will host JV
WAITSBURG – With the logistics of the 2016-17 Waitsburg-Dayton football combine largely decided, it is time for the cheer squads to do the same. At the April 14 regular Waitsburg School Board Meeting, Athletic Director Stephanie Wooderchak shared the in-process 2016-17 cheer combine proposal with board members.
Varsity Cheer Squad
Through negotiations with Dayton, it has been agreed that Dayton will host the varsity squad of no more than 12 athletes, with Dayton providing the coach. Practices will be held in Dayton and the varsity squad will cheer at all varsity football games.
Each school will select their own athletes and may contribute up to six cheerleaders to the squad. The Dayton coach will hold parent meetings for athletes from both schools and will be the point of contact for the varsity squad.
The varsity squad will get new uniforms. Waitsburg squad members will have their uniforms paid for and owned by the district. Dayton squad members will purchase their own uniforms, which will become their own property. This is in keeping with the current traditions at each school.
The varsity squad will do fundraising with all monies to be used for funding summer camp, with each girl receiving an equal share of support from the camp fund. The varsity coach will be in charge of fundraising.
JV Cheer Squad
Waitsburg will host and provide a coach for the JV squad, which will cheer at all JV games. Practices will be held in Waitsburg.
Each school may contribute an unlimited number of students to the JV squad. The Waitsburg coach will hold a parent meeting and will be the point of contact for members and parents.
The JV squad will wear the Waitsurg uniforms, possibly adding gold pom poms to include Dayton colors. The uniforms will remain the property of the Waitsburg School District.
The JV squad will not be involved in fundraising unless it is decided that they will attend camp with the varsity squad. In that case, Dayton and Waitsburg coaches will coordinate fundraising efforts.
Athletes will follow the Athletic Code/Student Handbook for their home district, and the Athletic Director of each district will be responsible for insuring WIAA requirements and district expectations are followed.
Wooderchak said the two schools will meet together at least one more time before finalizing the proposal for board approvals.
Waitsburg JV football coach Gabe Keifel said he is excited to have a JV cheer squad and said the team is looking forward to having more people and support at their games.
Wooderchak said her goal is to schedule 10 JV games next season and she already has six set. The new classification should make it easier to find other schools with JV teams than in the past, she said.
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