WAITSBURG – Waitsburg Elementary School students spent the last two weeks gathering pennies to help former WHS student Cody Washburn in his battle with cancer. The drive is an offshoot of a coin drive inspired by the high school Leos club, who raised $150 for Washburn in March.
The competitive elementary school penny drive was organized by teacher Gabe Kiefel and students have been enjoying the ability to sabotage other classes. Students get credit for pennies donated, but silver coins added to another class's bucket are deducted from that grade's balance.
"They can be pretty cutthroat!" Kiefel said.
In the first week, the elementary students raised $440.33. Fourth grade was in the lead with $105.63 and third grade is running a close second with $102.77.
Kiefel said he initially intended to count coins each evening but when he brought the first batch home, he quickly realized that would be an impossibility. Kathy Carpenter has spent hours counting coins this past week, he said.
Kiefel is hopeful the students will match another $450 this week and the two schools will be able to donate nearly $1,000 to Washburn's treatment.
In addition to the school fundraisers, a YouCaring account has been set up at http://www.youcaring.com/cody-washburn-543321 and donation accounts have been setup at Banner Bank in Cody's name.
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