Ten Years Ago
May 4, 2006
Waitsburg Days of Real Sport Royalty Megan Mooso, Holly LeFore and Jamie Thomas are in the running for Queen of the 2006 edition of Waitsburg’s annual horse race weekend, and the Queen’s Coronation event will have a different spin this year as the former receptions shifts to a social hour and silent auction, catered dinner and live-music dance.
The overland trail from Wallula to Clarkston that Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery took will be the subject of a multi-media program by Gary Lentz, Ranger, Lewis and Clark Trail State Park, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 11, at the Dayton Depot. Using replicas of items the explorers had with them on their journey, Lentz will offer insight about the Corps’s travels through our area.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 2, 1991
Heather Wyatt and Jeremy Richards were selected by the Masonic Lodges of Southeastern Washington as the Outstanding Junior Students of Waitsburg High School.
Coming back to the Touchet Valley was like coming home, Gary Hofer said, as he went over the events in his life which brought him full circle from Virginia to Delaware to Cheney to Minnesota to Arizona and finally, t o Waitsburg.
Two cars of a six-car Union-Pacific freight were derailed on Tuesday afternoon one mile west of Waitsburg on the Bolles Road. No one was injured in the accident which managed to put quite a bow in the rails. Engineer Ron Cantrell of Walla Walla said, “The rails just spread, and the last two cars went off the tracks.”
Jenny Jameson of Waitsburg will participate in an All-State Volleyball Match on Saturday, July 20, at Selah High School.
Fifty Years Ago
May 5, 1966
Merle Brown, well-known Prescott farmer, has been selected to serve as marshal for the 1966 version of the Days of Real Sport parade to be held Saturday morning, May 28.
Packer’s, Waitsburg’s dry goods store operated by Mrs. Howard D. Packer, will observe its twenty-fifth anniversary on Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7.
Stan Pearson – son of Dr. and Mrs. A.S. Pearson – has been named valedictorian for the 1966 class of Waitsburg High School. Joan Marie Land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Land, will be salutatorian this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fullerton have moved into their new home which was recently completed. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Huwe have rented the house vacated by the Fullertons and moved in this week.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
May 9, 1941
Donald Abbey of Waitsburg and Amelia Barker of Walla Walla applied for a marriage license Wednesday, according to reports from the County Auditor’s Office.
Ivor Williams has installed a new method of irrigation on land formerly known as Moore Bros. orchard. He has installed a pressure pumping system that permits overhead sprinkling of the several acres of sugar beets on the old orchard site.
The Commercial Club sanctioned the suggestion of Cal Malone to hold an old-fashioned basket social at the City Park on May 17.
Earl Arthurs has been elected student body president; Bill Buchan, vice president; Alice Leid, secretary; Maxine Dunn, treasurer, Pat Hirsch, editor; Mickey Leid, boy yell leader, Helen Lloyd, girl yell leader.
One Hundred Years Ago
May 12, 1916
The Waitsburg Rifle Club has accepted the invitation of Co. K, N. G. W. of Walla Walla, for a competitive range shoot next Sunday, beginning about 9 a.m. on Co K’s range.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Schiltz announce the engagement of their daughter Alma to Mr. Walter S. Reigle of Lewiston, Penn.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weller and son Lawrence and daughter Fanny and Mrs. Cora Laidlaw motored to Washtucna Sunday in Mrs. Laidlaw’s Mitchell six to visit for the day.
Misses Tryphena and Marguerite Southard went to Dayton Friday evening for a visit at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lyman, returning home Sunday.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 15, 1891
If you dip the wicks of lamps in strong hot vinegar and dry them, it will do away with much of the disagreeable smell.
Considerable frost on Saturday morning last, but no damage was done.
Wade Bros. this week had a comfortable awning erected in front of the Senate Saloon.
The Silver Medal contest at the Opera House last Friday night was well attended and much enjoyed by all who attended. The exercises were all good and the declamations especially fine. Miss Minnie Dixon carried off the prize.
Mrs. Wm. McKinney arrived home from Crab Creek on Thursday night of last week. While there she attended the wedding of her son Elmer to a charming lady of that city.
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