Zucchini Chocolate Cake
It’s that time of year to start using the prolific zucchini. It does freeze well if one wanted to grate it now to use later. There is a study available that says anything with zucchini in it reduces the calories by half (*See note below).
There are a lot of chocolate zucchini cake recipes. This is one I have baked several times. If you are a small family or a single person that feels like a whole cake is too much, see #2 note below.
½ c. margarine (I always use butter) 2 ½ c. flour
½ c. cooking oil 1 tsp baking powder
1 1/3 c. sugar 1 tsp baking soda
2 eggs 4 TBSP cocoa
½ c. sour cream ½ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla ½ tsp clove
2 c. grated zucchini
½ c. chocolate chips
Cream together butter, oil, and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla and sour cream. Beat well. Mix dry ingredients with a spoon and add to creamed mixture. Stir in grated zucchini.
Pour into a 9 x 13” pan, sprinkle top with chocolate chips. Bake at 325 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until the cake tests done in center. (a toothpick put into the center of the cake should come out with no dough on it.)
My notes—Certainly more chocolate chips can be used. This cake does not need a frosting, in my opinion
*Note 1----Confession, there is no study that states that to my knowledge.
*Note 2---This cake freezes well. Also consider gifting several pieces to someone who is not feeling well, an elderly friend, or perhaps as a thank you. It will be well received.
Feedback#1—Ken [or someone in his household – ed.] made the 4 bean bake, but used turkey sausage and added chipotle sauce. He said it was great.
I also have a blueberry zucchini cake with lemon butter cream frosting that is good. I could email it to you.
Next week I will share the best easy-peasy peach cobbler. I meant to in this article but ran out of room.
Enjoy----Lick the beaters, no calories in raw dough---kidding of course.
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