Dear Editor,
I want to take a moment and thank Perry Dozier for his eight years of passionate service to our community and for his outstanding leadership on the Walla Walla County Board of Commissioners. We should all thank Perry for his excellent representation on the board which serves our community. Whoever takes Perry’s place on the board of commissioners not only has big shoes to fill but also must be a good representative of our community.
The commissioner of a district deals with the constituent issues in that district but that same commissioner ultimately as a member of the board makes decisions representing our entire community. I am confident that Todd Kimball has the leadership, education, agricultural knowledge, business experience and financial prowess to be the best candidate to join the board of county commissioners.
I have talked with several of the candidates who are running for the Walla Walla County Commissioner, District 2 Position. They all have impressive experience, unique qualities and are dedicated members of our great community. For example, I know that Mike Bates our County Corrections Director would be a good commissioner. After talking at length with both Melissa Hansen and Don Gibbard I believe that they would also be good county commissioners.
I am confident that I would work well with anyone of the candidates running for commissioner that our community chooses in this election. However, I endorse Todd Kimball because he is the best and most well rounded candidate that I hope you elect to be our next Walla Walla County Commissioner.
I have the utmost confidence that Todd is the right candidate to ultimately serve our Walla Walla County Community. Please join me and vote for Todd Kimball.
Jim Duncan
Walla Walla County Commissioner, District 3
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