Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Library SRP Wraps Up with Celebration

Ongoing library activities include poster-making, book chat and writer's group

DAYTON- The summer reading program at Dayton Memorial Library is coming to an end on Aug. 10, as preparations begin for the new school year, according to Vicki Zoller at the library.

Zoller said a summer reading program ice cream social is planned for 1 pm. on Aug. 10, and winners of the reading challenge will be announced at that time. Two adults and one child each from several age groups will receive gift certificates. There will also be fun with water balloons, she said.

On Mondays this summer, about twenty children have been working to create a poster featuring the Jolly Green Giant, to be entered in the Columbia County Fair, in September.

Zoller said the children will continue putting the finishing touches on the poster, and they can come to the library anytime to help get it ready for the fair.

Adults, bring your own beverage and prepare to have literary fun at the next "Book Chat," which will take place Aug. 20 at 6 p.m. Participants are not required to read a particular book, but are required to have fun with literary games, hold literary conversations, and eat pie. "There is always pie," said pie-maker Zoller.

"Book Chat" will be held on a regular basis, every third Saturday of the month, she said.

Zoller said that head librarian Dusty Waltner is hosting the continuing writer's group at the library, which will meet again on August 26. She said the schedule will complement Weller Library in Waitsburg, who is also hosting a writer's group.

Waitsburg-Wednesdays Dayton-Thursdays

August 17, 2016 August 26,2016

September 14, 2016 September 22, 2016

October 12, 2016 October 27, 2016

November 9, 2016 November 17, 2016

December 4, 2016 December 29, 2016

All meetings will take place at 6:30 p.m., according to the librarians.

"It's been going well. It's stimulating and entertaining. It's a casual, friendly group from all writing levels," said Zoller.

Join with Lois Hemphill at the Dayton Memorial Library for holiday card-making activities, which will take place around holiday times

Card stock will be provided by the library, and participants should "bring their imagination", old calendars, old greeting cards, and other items, to do the rest, Zoller said.

The new library cards are ready for distribution along with a free lanyard. Check at the front desk for that, Zoller said.

The Dayton Memorial Library can be reached at: 382-4131.


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