Dear Editor,
Some think after recent events it may be difficult to entice other businesses to consider Waitsburg as a potential site. Others are of the opinion that would be just fine. At least one individual commented they liked the current small town feel and no new businesses were needed.
When Pat and I moved to Waitsburg in 1969 all storefronts had active businesses. Most of them would close Friday afternoons for home football games, since there were no lights on the field for evening games. That’s about as small town as it gets. Those thriving businesses helped support this community, our schools and the city infrastructure. As businesses become empty storefronts the tax base erodes, placing more of a burden on the rest of the residents.
It benefits all of us when a business successfully locates in Waitsburg, paying wages to employees and taxes on merchandise, products and services sold. We all lose when businesses close and buildings sit empty—regardless of money put into them or paint applied.
Jim Davison
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