DAYTON--Jim Westergreen, the owner of Tucannon Meats in Dayton, is in the process of handing over day-to-day operations of the butcher shop on East Main Street to his son, and to his son's army buddy.
"He's going to stick with us for awhile and make sure we're good to go," said Josh Westergreen, about his father's diminishing role.
The younger Westergreen said the focus of the business will still be on custom slaughter, retail sales of cured meats, and processing of wild game.
"We have already processed a couple of elk and deer, but we will be busier in October," he said.
Pepperoni, jerky, summer sausage, German hot dogs, Polish dogs, hot dogs, bacon and brats will again be in the case for retail sale, Westergreen added.
"We will have a full case by December, and will keep it full," Westergreen promised.
Fresh steaks and ground beef will also be offered for retail sale, with the possible addition of smoked turkeys, Westergreen said. Holiday specialty baskets, and the development of a line of meat seasonings might be on the list of future offerings, he added.
"But we don't want to expand too much, because we are only two guys," said Westergreen.
Rob Parrish, who served with Westergreen in the Army 14th Engineer Battalion at Fort Lewis, said that he is "absolutely excited" about the prospect of sharing the work load at Tucannon Meats. Parrish said he will join Westergreen in November when he musters out of the Army.
Tucannon Meats is open during the day from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 8 a.m. until noon, on Saturday. Contact Josh Westergreen at (509) 382-4371 or (509) 200-0363.
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