Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter in support of Todd Kimball for Walla Walla County Commissioner. As family man, private land owner, and CPA, Todd has the life experience that is necessary to relate to the citizens and the County that he desires to represent.
Todd knows the rigors that the citizens of Walla Walla County go through to raise a family. Todd and Sandy Kimball have two sons, Shea 16, and Scott 18, both fine young men as a result of loving and devoted parents. Todd has coached the kid’s teams and contributed greatly to the scholastic efforts of both his boys. Together, Mr. and Mrs. Kimball have a desire for the next generation to see the Walla Walla Valley prosper.
As a generational farmer and commercial land owner, Todd knows firsthand, how much it takes to own, lease, and operate a viable farm and business. With such a volatile economic climate, that affects all our citizens County wide, Todd Kimball can and will relate to the policies that impact our local economy. A huge advocate for private property rights, along with a clear understanding of land use issues, shall give Todd the ability to make responsible choices between the push for growth and the need for preservation. This understanding is of paramount importance for the leaders of this County.
Todd has made a name for himself as a well-respected Certified Public Accountant. He has scene first hand, the incomes, expenses, and investment portfolios that give him a snapshot of the economic condition of our citizens. He gets what it takes to make ends meet. Inasmuch, he will understand the figures and data that need scrutinized to help make choices towards solutions to fiscal challenges or decisions that this County may face.
I support Todd Kimball as the next generation of leadership that will lead Walla Walla into a prosperous future.
Please vote for Todd Kimball in the upcoming election.
David Corbett
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