Dear Editor,
This November we face a very important decision concerning a vital aspect of our community. Our local school is in need of some crucial modernization to keep it healthy, functioning and safe. The school modernization advisory committee has recommended a very conservative plan to achieve these results without extravagance. In point, based on the amount the project is seeking, an individual’s total tax obligation would actually decrease compared to their current responsibility.
Today’s families have a choice concerning the education of their children. Whether it’s a theater, shopping center, or school, expectations have changed over the years and items such as indoor climate control and modern kitchen/bathroom facilities are considered the basics. Our school system has earned a very deserving reputation of quality. Our community has benefited from this reputation through the people, students and families its attracts. However, our classrooms lack air conditioning, our students and fans must use portable toilets for physical education classes or events at the athletic field, and food is being wasted because of a school kitchen that has not been modernized for 54 years. We cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue to provide the facilities and environment that promotes the quality we expect.
More and more our school has become the common thread that binds Waitsburg together. I can’t think of a better way to keep our town vital and enduring than to support the school and provide the support requested through the Capital Project Bond. Unlike some of the other entities, which have departed Waitsburg, we actually have the ability to determine the direction and destiny of our schools. This does however, take our involvement and support.
As we have all experienced, many crucial decisions that affect us are fashioned by distant legislators or metropolitan populations. But not this decision… it is ours! I urge you to join me in supporting this project by voting “YES” in November …and let’s get this project done!
Ross Hamann
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