Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Kids Deserve Improved Schools

Dear Editor,

Spence Rogers, a noted educational consultant, says “OUR KIDS DESERVE WHATEVER IT TAKES!” And, some of ‘whatever it takes’ is being placed before you, the patrons of the Waitsburg School District, in the form of a $3.8 million Capital Projects Bond election on November 8. 

Whatever it takes includes providing the best classroom environment possible through air conditioned classrooms which not only provide consistent, stable temperatures but also quieter learning spaces. Our kids and our community deserve a well-equipped, energy efficient kitchen that can provide student meals year round as well as being available to support community based activities and events. The District’s athletic fields have provided our community with many hours of exciting sports and other activities. A new field house would be a source of great pride as we provide for the comfort of those who participate in and attend these events, as well as for the safety of equipment and supplies.

Providing what our kids deserve today will benefit more than just our students. Your “YES” vote for the Waitsburg School District’s Capital Projects Bond will send the message to our students, our community, our region that OUR KIDS - AND OUR COMMUNITY - ARE WORTH WHATEVER IT TAKES!

Carol Clarke



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