October 12, 2016
Council members KC Kuykendall, Karen Gregutt, Kevin House, Karl Newell, Kate Hockersmith ,and Mayor Marty Dunn were all present.
-City Manager Randy Hinchliffe presented a snapshot of the 2017 preliminary budget. Aside from the replacement of the Main Street Bridge and significant sidewalk repairs and additions, there are no major projects planned for 2017. A narrative version of the budget will be presented during November’s council meeting. A public hearing on property taxes and a budget hearing will be held during the November meeting as well.
-Hinchliffe notified the council that the city’s water and sewer system will need significant repairs in coming years and suggested an option for a utility rate increase. See story at left.
-Kevin House was voted in unanimously as Mayor Pro Tem.
-Approved partial payment of $34,484 to Don Jackson Excavation, LLC, for water main repair under the Touchet River Bridge. The remainder of $1,880 will be paid once a final bracket has been installed.
-Unanimously rejected an ordinance regarding the enforcement of ATVs on city streets in order to allow state statutes to prevail. See story on Page 1.
-Discussed multiple amendments to the city’s municipal code. Changes include the addition of a clause stating that the mayor pro tem automatically becomes mayor upon the mayor’s resignation, the city administrator will serve as backup to the public works director, the Economic Development Committee was temporarily suspended, the city’s election process was changed from business days to calendar days, repeal of codes related to the city fire department which no longer exists, and other changes. Pending minor suggested modifications, the code will come before the council again in November for final approval.
-Unanimously approved updates to the city’s Capital Facilities Plan.
-Unanimously approved a policy allowing the mayor to approve the surplus of personal property valued at $2,500 or less. Real property (land) must always come before the council for approval, regardless of value, as well as personal property valued in excess of $2,500.
-City Clerk Report: Timber Frohreich will be installed as the new Student Representative at the November meeting. Hinchliffe reported that the padlock on the spring door at the watershed had been cut and the door was left open. He asked if the council wanted to consider limiting access in response to the vandalism.
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