Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - October 20, 2016

Ten Years Ago

October 26, 2006

Jeremy Nichols may not have won one of four $5,000 scholarships offered by Qwest, but being a runner up wasn’t too bad. Nichols, the son of Jeff and Dawn Nichols of Waitsburg, was honored in a half-time ceremony on the field at Qwest Field last Sunday.

The Waitsburg Order of Eastern Star honored Tom Baker, Grand Representative to Wisconsin, with an Honor Night Monday, October 2, 2006 at the lodge in Waitsburg. Baker was appointed by Washington Grand Worthy Matron Marilyn Hoots to represent Washington to Wisconsin this year, and true to form, Baker got all cheesy about it.

The Waitsburg Little Giants football team beat an undefeated team to advance to the 2006 Walla Walla Youth Football League Super Bowl. . . “These guys have grown unbelievably,” said Coach Perry Dozier,” compared to last year when we never got a first down the entire season.”

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 24, 1991

Prescott aviator Tom Archer, a 1970 graduate of Waitsburg High School, returned Tuesday from almost four days of dropping thousands of gallons of water on a fire burning north of Spokane.

No humdrum summer job for Rod Estes, a ’76 Wait-Hi grad. The 33-year-old Estes spent four months as a “smoke jumper” – a firefighter who parachutes from a low-flying airplane and lands near fires for the U.S. Forest Service.

The 34 members of Waitsburg’s Saddles ‘n Spurs, have the good fortune to have a hardworking and dedicated leader like Karen Mohney. Karen has started from scratch and in two years has made this 4-H horse club one of the most active and enthusiastic groups in the area.

Marshal’s Memo from Tom Longo’s reports: Man drinking and woman calls marshal because “she was tired of him.” Marshal explains there is nothing he can do. Tells couple they should act more mature.

Fifty Years Ago

October 20, 1966

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kenney of Waitsburg were recognized as 1966 Mr. and Mrs. Conservation Farmers by the Columbia County Soil and Water Conservation District.

Photo caption: Freshman slave prospect Eddie Sickles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sickles, goes on the auction block during last Saturday’s sale. If our memory serves us correctly, Ed was bought by Tom Richardson, who probably put him to work watching the afternoon TV football game. Save up your pennies, kiddies, and next year you can have a slave of your very own! Auctioneer is Mike (Jungle Jim) Hubbard, Lana Henze and Sandy Lambert are helping him.

Closing notice: Waitsburg merchants will close their stores Friday afternoon, Oct. 21, from 1:45 to 4 p.m. for the Cardinal-DeSales football game.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 24, 1941

A simple home wedding was chosen by Miss Maxine Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills, when she became the bride of John Cecil of Walla Walla.

The starting line-up for the game Friday with Pomeroy will be Don Wills, Kenneth Hays, Gordon Arthurs, Wayne DeWitt, Dave Roberts, Glen Hofer, Andrew Weir, Earl Cusick, Dorne Hall, Earl Arthurs and Richard Wolfe.

Waitsburg has the honor of being host Friday to several hundred members of the American Legion and the Womens’ Auxiliary.

Mrs. Albert Land entertained Wednesday at a dessert luncheon with Mrs. Bert Hillis winning high card score.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 26, 1956

Little League baseball players and their fathers were honored at the Commercial Club meeting Tuesday night.

Vice President Richard Nixon will be in Walla Walla on Friday Oct. 26, as one of three scheduled stops in the Pacific Northwest.

Dan Wood is home on a 30-day leave from Camp Pendleton.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zuger and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jones of Yakima attended the homecoming game at Whitman where the Jones’ daughter, Erma Lou, was homecoming queen.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 27, 1916

A regular Indian summer prevails on Jasper Mountain, instead of cold, rainy weather of former falls. The farmers are cheerfully digging spuds, filling barns and hauling grain.

Waitsburg sent her full quota of visitors to the three days’ Harvest Festival in Walla Walla last week. Especially was this true at the night doings. The State Highway was covered with a long procession of automobiles.

Wednesday, Oct. 18th marked the 61st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Wickersham, honored pioneers of this city.

Mary Pickford in “little Pal,” a story of the Alaskan gold fields, is playing at the local theatre.


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