Dear Editor,
With the November 8th election approaching I feel it is important that each voter examine the qualifications of the candidates and make a well-informed choice. As a taxpayer and resident of Walla Walla County for forty-three years, I, along with the rest of the community, have been fortunate to have had fiscally responsible County Commissioners elected to office throughout the years. For example, we presently have individuals in office that have signed both sides of a paycheck and met that obligation with their own money. I feel very strongly that this single point should be a requirement for all elected officials.
Todd Kimball is such an individual and we are fortunate to have a person with his resume and attributes seeking the office of Walla Walla County Commissioner for District #2. In addition to his career as a CPA, both in Boise, ID for four years and now in Walla Walla, Todd is a successful farmer manager in Walla Walla County raising both irrigated and dryland crops. Todd Kimball has demonstrated that he possesses all of the attributes required to be an effective County Commissioner.
In addition to Todd’s fiscal understanding and proficiency, he brings his vast experience in Walla Walla community activities and has served with distinction in leadership rolls on countless community, county, regional, and state boards.
Todd’s family has long and distinguished ties to our community. Todd and Sandy are the proud parents of two sons and the family enjoys golfing, hunting, and traveling.
It is without hesitation that I recommend Todd Kimball to be our next Walla Walla County Commissioner for District #2 and I encourage you to cast your vote for Todd on November 8th.
Frank O’Leary
Walla Walla
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