Dear Editor,
I am very new to the Walla Walla area. During the Wheelin’ Walla Walla Weekend event, I met Randal Son. Since I use an electric vehicle for my business, I was very interested in his electric car.
What does owning an electric car say about someone? I believe it says they are frugal, innovative, interested in efficiency, concerned about the environment and looking toward the future. All good traits of an elected office holder. But mostly, I was impressed by Randal’s sincerity and what a down-to-earth, decent, friendly person Randal was.
We could certainly use more qualities like Randal’s in our government leaders. I urge other folks that are new to the area to pay attention to the local positions being voted on now. If Randal wins it would be a positive development for all of us to have a man of Randal’s character serving our community.
Jim Wright
Walla Walla
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