Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - November 3, 2016

Ten Years Ago

November 9, 2006

Four-year Cardinal letterman Jeremy Nichols was named to the Blue Mountain 2B-11 All Conference Team. He was Waitsburg’s (0-5, 3-6) only selection.

Photo caption: Seniors playing their final home game for the Cardinals honored their parents during ceremonies at half time of the Waitsburg-Pomeroy game last Friday. From left: Christine, Nich and Todd Cloin, Jeff, Jeremy and Dawn Nichols, Tamra, Cole and John Janovich, Laura, Tyler and Javin Berg, Pat Gleason and Aaron Leal.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 7, 1991

For the second time in 18 months Waitsburg school district voters rejected the sale of school bonds to refurbish the World War II-era grade school. In addition, voters overwhelmingly elected Greg Zuger, a Waitsburg farmer, to the Waitsburg Joint School District board of directors.

Joan Johnson, a former postal official in Dayton, has been named postmaster of the Post Office in Waitsburg. Johnson, 54, is currently postmaster in Mesa, a town of about 250 people, 30 miles north of Pasco.

Diane Conover, a freshman at Waitsburg High School, has been selected to tour the British Isles with a girls basketball team, beginning in July. She will be playing guard and wing for a team from the Northwest Basketball Camp, made up of about 20 girls from Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Fifty Years Ago

November 3, 1966

Presented at halftime ceremonies during the Wait-Hi Homecoming game were the following awards: Outstanding football spectators awards went to Roy Leid, Pat Leid, and Carol Huwe. Outstanding Freshman football player went to Any Maib.

Postmaster Ivan Keve announced that due to the switch back to standard time on October 30, the small amount of first class mail received from the Greyhound Bus from Walla Walla will now be distributed on hour earlier.

Sixty Years Ago

November 9, 1941

Four lettermen have turned out for basketball. They are Bruce Brunton, John Wood, Red Hays and Dick Gosney. Six varsity positions are open to new candidates who include Glenn Baker, Larry Land, Dick Lee, John Segraves and Ray Johnson, Walter Vennum, Ron Lindquist, Lee Fisk, Jim Young, Frank Williams, Jack Rodgers, Roger Kennedy, Tom Collins, Pat Donnelly, Alfred Peters and Ed Clark.

Mrs. Willa Dean Troop has been hired to replace Mrs. Ruth Danielson in the local school system.

A group of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts for a farewell party for the Dorne Halls who are moving to Seattle.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 7, 1941

Roy Bains always brings home some game. Sunday morning in company with a man from Dayton, they went up in the mountains, on Huckleberry ridge and killed a 5 point elk. The animal dressed weighed about 500 pounds. It was the first elk brought into town this season, he bagged a fine one.

Miss Pat Hirsch won the honor of representing the school this year in the annual contest in this state for the selection of a representative on the Good Citizenship Pilgrimage to the nation’s capital

The ladies of the Aloha Club entertained their husbands at the 6:30 dinner at the home of Mrs. D. Bailey, Hostesses were Mrs. Bruce Abbey, Mrs. Will Harris, and Mrs. Gretchen Mikkelsen

One Hundred Years Ago

November 10, 1916

What will be probably the last football game of the seaon on the home grounds will be played here when the fast Endicott eleven will mix with the local boys.

The Misses Lena, Mary, and Margaret Keve and Mr. Fred Bachman and George Gross spent the evening Sunday at the Robertson home.

Jonas and Riggs, local representatives, expect a carload of Maxwell touring cars to arrive about the 18th or 20th of this month

Miss Anna Kimmel was married to G, W. Melvin at Tacoma last week according to word received here.

One Hundred Fifty Years Ago

November 13, 1891

James Smith, the artistic painter, is making the fron of the Pioneer Supply Depot the handsomest front in the city.

Budd Fine and O.M. Conover could not agree as to the price Fine should pay Conover for heading, but instead of going to law, they left the matter to three good men and true, and abided by their decision. This was wise in them for lawing is an expensive business.

I.A. Wilson’s new residence on Preston Avenue is about ready for occupancy, The work is being done by J.H. Cox, and the way in which it is done shows that Mr. Cox thoroughly understands his business and is an honest workman.


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