Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - November 10, 2016

Ten Years Ago

November 16, 2016

It looks like Waitsburg Elementary School fifth graders will be skiing this winter, thanks to generous community support and a family fun and fitness fundraiser this Saturday, November 18. The program is being supported not only by parents of the students, but members of the community, said Pam Conover, teacher.

A standing-room-only audience gathered for the Cardinal Fall Sports Awards Dessert last Monday, honoring the athletes, coaches and other individuals in the cheerleading, cross country, football and volleyball programs at Waitsurg High School. State participant Maya Garcia was selected as Most Valuable for the Cross Country squad, as was Wyatt Withers for the boys’ team. Ashley Coila was named MVP of the volleyball team and Jeremy Nichols took home top honors as Cardinal of the Year for the football program. Moriah Hull was presented with the Spirit Stick – for her efforts on the cheer squad.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 14, 1991

The fifth annual Hometown Christmas celebration, sponsored by the Commercial Club, is Dec. 15. There will be plenty of singing, lighted parade floats and of course Santa Claus.

Waitsburg’s Anne Bickelhaupt, who turned 11 Wednesday, has been named outstanding junior member of 4-H in Walla Walla County. Anne, a fifth-grader in Mr. Warehime’s class at Waitsburg Elementary, was honored as one of two top junior 4-Hers at a dinner in Lowden Monday night.

Girls from the sophomore, junior and senior classes of Waitsburg High School were guests of Chapter BE, P.E.O. at the annual Career Day Tea held Nov. 5 at the home of Jan Zuger. Laurie Withers spoke on education and her work as a teacher; Kelly Zuger explained the dental hygiene profession; Kennie Reeves reviewed the veterinary field; and Susanna Malty, R.N. nursing.

Fifty Years Ago

November 10, 1966

The Jim Hansen family has joined the Ron Kenney family in the ranks for Conservation Farmers of the Year, to make it a clean sweep for Waitsburg in both Walla Walla and Columbia Counties.

Vaughn Hubbard, Waitsburg attorney and incumbent member of the Washington State House of Representatives, won the contest for representation of Distict 11-A by nearly a 2000-vote plurality.

Photo caption: Trick or Treaters who worked one evening for UNICEF collecting money to help needy children overseas, met after the evening’s activity to go thru the “spook house” in the basement of the Christian Church. On hand to have the daylights frightened out of them were: Sandy Kenney, Denise Hulce Charles Baker, Gary Pierson, Brian Henze, Roxanne Gales, Dixie Rich, Linda McKinney, Jill Zuger, Ann Hubbard, Kathy Hiatt, Susan Maib, Jeannie Pearson, Judy Harper, Becky Huwe, Jennie McKinney, Tommy Hiatt and Jimmy Stonecipher.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 14, 1941

Poor hunting was reported thru-out this area as the Chink season came to a close Armistice Day. There were plenty of hunters the last two days of the season, many of them coming from quite a distance to hunt in this locality.

Miss Phyllis Anderson gave an impromptu party Friday evening at the home of her parents honoring the A squad of the high school football team. Dancing and games were the diversion of the evening. Coach and Mrs. Blume were at the party. Refreshments were served later in the evening and the young hostess was assisted by the teacher, Miss Melville, and Miss Davis.

M. Gross and Ed Baker of this city and Willis Gross and Chet Gross of White Salmon spent several days the last of the week hunting elk back in the rough country on Crooked Fork.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 17, 1916

Misses Roberts Houtchens, Freda Hasley and Cecil Arnold met the Colfax high school debating team at Colfax last week and lost by a narrow margin.

Fire which was discovered about 12:30 o’clock Wednesday morning, completely destroyed the chicken house of Mrs. Effie Jessup on West Seventh St.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neace, Clarence Smith and family, and Elmer Stonecipher were among the party fo Waitsburgers who left Tuesday afternoon for Los Angeles, Calif.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 20, 1891

The free reading room is now in running order and is well patronized. We trust it will be properly conducted for if so it is a blessing.

Cold – yes, we have had a dose of genuine winter this week. Last Saturday evening the atmosphere became quite chilling, ant at five o’clock, Monday, Nov. 16, mercury indicated only fifteen degrees above zero.

N. B. Denney and William Mitchell this week exchanged places. Mitchell taking Denney’s place of 70 acres adjoining this city at $115 per acre - $8050, and Denney taking Mitchell’s place in Spring Valley, 400 acres oat $35 per acre - $14,000. While the trade is complete, the occupants will not change till this spring.


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