Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Bob Hutchens is Dayton Chamber Citizen of the Year

Chamber awards also go to Lael Loyd, Cal Martin and Lyons Ferry Marina

DAYTON – The Dayton Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards banquet Thursday in the newly renovated Columbia County Fairgrounds Pavilion.

More than 170 people turned out for the first event held in the Pavillion since a new HVAC system and other improvements were made earlier this year.

The Chamber's Citizen of the Year Award was presented to Bob Hutchens. Hutchens was introduced by former Dayton dentist Norm Passmore.

Hutchens recently retired after a long career as a farmer in Columbia County. His family homesteaded here in the late 1800s. His son and daughter-in-law Clay and Rachel Hutchens have taken over the farming operation.

In late 2015, Hutchens joined the board of directors of the Columbia County Hospital District. He was elected board chairman in January.

Hutchens and the board are currently overseeing a major renovation of Dayton General Hospital. They are also implementing new billing and communications systems throughout Columbia County Health Systems.

He also led the board in hiring new CEO Shane McGuire earlier this year.

Hutchens is active in the community in other ways, including serving on the Dayton Development Task Force.

Hutchens was a star basketball player for Dayton High School in the 1960s. He remains an avid pickup basketball player. His son, Will, is currently the boys' basketball coach at DHS.

"The county and city depend on the hospital for ... jobs, and Bob's volunteer leadership should not be unrecognized in this vital area," said the nominating statement submitted to the Chamber.

Wenaha Gallery manager Lael Loyd was named Employee of the Year. Chamber Director Andrew Holt presented the award.

Loyd has worked for the gallery for 12 years and is the "face of her business, though she is not the owner," Holt said. In her job, she puts on numerous special artist events at the Wenaha.

Loyd has become very active in the community the last few years. She is a member of the Chamber board of directors and is also a member of the Dayton Development Task Force.

She is the chair of the Dayton on Tour event and is particularly involved in putting on the Art Walk each year as part of that event.

The Youth of the Year award was presented by Dayton High School principal Paul Shaber to DHS senior Cal Martin.

Martin is involved in numerous activities in his school, including ASB, Youth and Government and SHEO. He is also a dedicated three-sport athlete, participating in football, basketball and track and field. He plays running back and linebacker on the Dayton-Waitsburg football team that will play in the state quarterfinal game this Saturday.

The Business of the Year award was presented to Lyons Ferry Marina operators, Jim and Angela MacArthur. The award was given by Bette Lou Crothers.

The MacArthurs operate the marina, store, and restaurant as a private business. They entered into a lease with the Port of Columbia in 2009, and proceeded to make major upgrades and improvements. With their ownership, the business became affiliated with the Kampgrounds of America (KOA) system.

The facility includes boat slips, a store and restaurant, and extensive RV and tent camping. It is a favorite for visitors from throughout the northwest.

For the past three years, the MacArthurs have received the President's Award from KOA for quality and customer service.

The MacArthurs were gone on vacation, so the award was accepted by Lyons Ferry staff members Joanne and Wally Knouf.

The chamber banquet also featured a presentation by Shane McGuire, CEO of Columbia County Health Systems.

McGuire gave a comprehensive review of healthcare services provided in Columbia County. It included not only CCHS services, but also the many other health-related providers in the Dayton and Waitsburg areas, including pharmacy, mental health, dental, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic.

Dayton General Hospital is undergoing a major renovation over the next year, and McGuire gave a detailed overview of the project, as well as other upgrades and improvements being made throughout the health system.


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