Ten Years Ago
November 23, 2006
By a 3-2 vote, the Waitsburg City Council chose for a second year in a row to forgo a 1% increase in municipal taxes allowed by law without a vote of the people. The motion to not implement the tax increase was made by Councilman Orville Branson. Joining Branson in voting in favor were councilmen Larry Clinton and Larry Johnson. Councilwoman Markeeta Little Wolf and Councilman Jim Helm opposed.
The second goal of the Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee (WCRC) – the restoration, renovation and preservation of Wait’s Mill – advanced another step last week as the Waitsburg Historical Society and the WCRC agreed to form a partnership to raise money for the first phase of the project. The WCRC’s first goal, the downtown streetscape project, is progressing toward construction in March, 2007.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
November 21, 1991
The school district signed a contract for this year with the teachers and support staff of the schools. The contract, which sets the state’s minimum for a teacher at $20,801, a raise of about 4 percent. “This is the best agreement in the state of Washington,” said Jack Gawith, chairman of the school board. “It shows a lot of respect between the staff and board.” Superintendent Ed Larsen said many school districts have collective bargaining contracts with teachers and staff that are inches thick and hundreds of pages. Waitsburg’s is one page – and only half of the page has text.
Waitsburg’s Jack Otterson Jr. is hoping for a crack at the pros. Earlier this year scouts from four National Football League teams, including the Seattle Seahawks, turned up at punting practice at Washington State University to watch Otterson kick. The scouts represented the Altanta Falcons, New York Jets and the Buffalo Bills.
Fifty Years Ago
November 17, 1966
Anna Lee Williams told an interesting fact about the August trip that she and husband Carl took to Alaska. At a little town of Lake Watson, in the Alaskan wilds, there has been started a collection of various signs bearing the names of towns all over the USA. Before departing, Anna Lee had Joy Broom (prominent Waitsburg artist) paint a Waitsburg, Washington (99361 added, I presume) sign. It is now tacked up, along with approximately 1000 other signs, at this little crossroads town.
Photo caption: Jack McCaw and Guy and J.E. McCaw caught two Steel Heads Friday night. One was as big as a six year old. The other was about a foot and a half long.
A surprise “Grandma” shower was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pete Ganguet honoring Mrs. John Liebermann, a recent grandmother. Stork bingo and other games were played, with numerous prizes being awarded. Grandma Liebermann was dressed in a shawl, slippers, bonnet, and knitting while she rocked away in her rocking chair to open her gifts.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
November 21, 1941
Everyone in the Waitsburg Community can help in the “War Against Waste: section of the national defense program by cooperating with the Boy Scouts in saving waste paper. Plans for the drive, which will be made soon, have about been completed.
The big event of this week will be the Thanksgiving Ball to be held in the KP Hall on Saturday evening, Nov. 22. The Ball is being sponsored by Delta Lodge No. 70 K. of P.
Members of the American Legion Auxiliary were entertained at the home of Mrs. Bill Keve on Thursday when members sewed bed jackets for the Veterans’ Hospital in Walla Walla. A potluck luncheon was served. Mrs. J. C. Smith of Eureka was a guest at the Auxiliary meeting.
One Hundred Years Ago
November 24, 1916
Jacob Keve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clemons Keve, of Jasper Mountain and miss Marie Hermanns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hermanns of McKay Hollow, were married on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at Walla Walla.
Bort at the farm home on the Coppei Saturday, Nov. 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown, a daughter.
Dick Roberts has received a new Buick “little six” touring car to replace his Ford.
While branding calves at the Grooms ranch near Huntsville last Thursday, Charley Kennison got the rope tangled around his thumb in such a way as to jerk the thumb off at the first joint.
Robert Leid, who purchased the George Gross saw mill in the canyon, expects to begin sawing lumber soon.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
November 27, 1891
The M. E. Church was well attended at Union services on Thanksgiving day. Rev. S. Cook preached the sermon, taking for his text “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
The “Sons of Rest” will meet the second Tuesday in December, at which time they will re-organize and elect new officers.
The action of the Grand Army posts of Walla Walla in endorsing the application of Col. Compton to the rank and command has been endorsed by the department and this together with an immense petition signed by our citizens has been forwarded to the president.
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