Morning homeroom provides aNOTHER opportunity to expand student horizons
WAITSBURG – One, two, cha-cha-cha... one, two, cha-cha-cha. Chant that phrase to a Preston Hall middle school student and they will probably grin as they showed you just how it's done.
Waitsburg middle school students spent mornings last week learning the popular Latin dance, the Cha Cha, as part of a holiday homeroom activity geared toward teaching social skills.
This year, middle school students spend the first 20 minutes of each day engaged in a homeroom activity, according to junior high social studies teacher Lynnsey Bailey. Each month was given a theme with September focusing on building community, and October on goal setting. November was spent learning about the election and Veteran's Day and December revolved around the holidays.
The staff brainstormed ways to help students increase social skills and special education teacher, Ben Christensen, suggested dancing. Christensen, and his wife B.J., have a background in ballroom dancing and the couple was willing to share their skills with the middle school students and staff.
"They are learning social graces. It is an activity that connects their train to their body, which is difficult at this age. In some regards it is more like a fine motor skill," Bailey said.
"It is also important for kids to be challenged on something outside of their comfort level. We hope to increase individual perseverance of each child over the school year and this is one way we are doing that," she added.
Bailey said the students spent a couple of days learning the steps then began dancing with partners. For some, Friday was the first time they had danced with another person.
"The kids were hesitant and guarded at the beginning, but as the week progressed, more and more kids engaged as they became more confident with the dance steps and realized the fun factor," Bailey said.
Students practiced between classes throughout the week and are looking forward to a dance-off planned for this week. Bailey said the students have expressed interest in learning square dancing as well.
"We thought about line dancing, West Coast Swing, and maybe even ballroom dancing if we can find instructors. We are limited in our electives for students and homeroom provides us an opportunity to explore new horizons," Bailey said.
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