Ten Years Ago
December 28, 2006
Danielle Coila and Jeremy Nichols were recently named “Youths of the Month” for the month of December by the Exchange Club of Walla Walla. Coila and Nichols were honored at a luncheon at the Elks Club in Walla Walla on December 11 for their outstanding achievement at Waitsburg High School.
A $19,575 grant from the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development has been received by the Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee. The money will fund a study of the former Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Besides preservation, study fo the 1864 structure will include future uses.
Fifty Years Ago
December 22, 1966
A Commercial Club Committee this week recognized the following citizens for the extra effort that they have taken to decorate their homes for this holiday season: First Prizes: James Fox, Bill Zuger, Bob Sickles and Stan Pierson. Mobile Home Category: (First Prize) – Duane French, Richard Crawford and Richard Denbeigh, J. E. Paulus.
Glen Hofer, Waitsburg wheat farmer, has accepted an appointment to serve in Washington D. C. as the Executive Vice President of the National Association of Wheat Growers.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Land, Joan and Tom, and Mr. and Mrs. John Reese and family of Walla Walla plan on spending the Christmas holiday in Helena, Mt. at the home of the Doug Anderson’s. Mr. and Mrs. King Witt will spend the Christmas weekend in Spokane with Reg and Ann Barr and children. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Payne entertained their bridge club with a Christmas party Saturday night. High scores were held by Mrs. Roger Hevel and John Egli. Guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. John Egli. Paul Hofer surprised Mrs. Hofer with a beautifully decorated birthday cake which the group enjoyed following the midnight supper.
Sixty Years Ago
December 28, 1956
On Christmas Eve fog settled over much of this area, with freezing temperatures during the nights causing hazardous road conditions.
The annual New Year’s Eve dance will be sponsored by the Waitsburg firemen at the Letion Hall Monday night.
Relatives and close friends attended the marriage of Philip Levi White and Eden Alice Brown at the Methodist Church Dec. 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anderson spent Christmas at Sun Valley with Ralph and Penny Jones who are at home for the holidays.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
December 26, 1941
Plans are now being perfected for a uniform system of air raid precautions for Walla Walla County schools, according to County Superintendent Mrs. Violet B. Reid, who attended a meeting in Spokane last week at which war problems were discussed.
New grain bags can not be purchased at the present time and the existing supply of used sacks has been requisitioned by the government. This is the situation in brief as reported by local grain dealers.
Registration of all horses and mules in the State of Washington is requested by the Western Remount Headquarters of Sa Mateo, Cal.
One Hundred Years Ago
December 29, 1916
Further reports of the damage being done stock in the Snake River winter camps by coyotes affected with the rabies, is contained in a letter received by Fireman Walter White from his brother V. S. White who is farming in that section.
Harrison Hardin Hungate, one of the prominent farmers of the Walla Walla Valley, and one of the best beloved, passed away in Walla Walla Sunday morning at about 11 o’clock. He was almost 81 years of age.
The family of Van Buren Clark had a pleasant gathering at their home on Seventh Street on Sunday afternoon.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
January 1, 1892
S. Wood this week sold his restaurant to J. W. Highland of Huntsville who will take possession of the same immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Highland are thorough hotel people having had much experience in that line of business. We wish them unbounded success.
The city has obtained a deed to its well site on the Coppei. Thus we go, step by step, at a snail’s pace, in the water works direction.
All patrons and pupils regret to see Miss Alta Arnold sever her connection with our school. She is one of the very best teachers in the state, and a model young lady, as near perfect as it is possible for mortals to be.
Died in Dayton, Dec. 18, 1891, S. M. Wait aged 69 years, 7 months and 20 days.In 1864 he built a mill on the Touchet where now stands Washington Mills; and Waitsburg was named in his honor.
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