Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Pioneer Portraits - December 28, 2016

Ten Years Ago

January 4, 2007

Three Waitsburg youngsters will compete in the Elks Lodge Free Throw Contest in Moses Lake on Saturday, January 6. Owen Lanning, 10, finished third in the Walla Walla contest, but advanced when the first- and second- place finishers in the 10-11 year old bracket opted not to participate further. . . Eighth graders Dru Somers and Christy Poirier will also advance to the Moses Lake competition.

A structural study of the long-idle Wait’s Mill will be the first step in a two-phased approach being commissioned by the Waitsburg Community Revitalization Committee, the Waitsburg City Council heard at its January 3 meeting. WCRC member Loyal Baker briefed the council on the situation to date.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 2, 1992

If you see Woddy Epp standing by the flag pole in front of the hardware store on Main Street and it’s around Dec. 15, don’t assume this retired Navy chief is saluting Old Glory. While he may be doing that, it is more likely that he has his ears tilted toward the loud-speakers on top of City Hall, listening for the volume of the music. For the past four years, Epp has been in charge of selecting and playing the Christmas music that blares melodically downtown from the speakers between Dec. 15 and Dec. 27.

Card varsity boys coach Jim Hofer is really high on Jason Selph. “He is one of my best percentage shooters but he is only shooting 8 times a game,” Hofer said of the 6-foot-3 senior, the tallest Wait-Hi player. Selph, who is in his fourth year of play, is the team’s post man or center.

Bert and Bitzi Baxter of Waitsburg have bought the video store on Main Street from George DeWolf and Jan Cronkhite. The new owners will rename the business B and B Video. A grand opening is planned early this month.

Fifty Years Ago

December 29, 1966

Richard Baker, a senior at Waitsburg High School, is the nominee of the Walla Walla Chapter of the Washington Society of Professional Engineers to receive either the National Society of Professional Engineers – Armco or University of Miami scholarship.

At a regular Boy Scout meeting, December 22, Star rank in Scouting was awarded to Charles Baker and Martin Huffman.

House committee assignments announced for the 1967 session of the legislature include three posts each for Rep. Tom Copeland of Walla Walla and Rep. Vaughn Hubbard of Waitsburg. Hubbard will serve on the Agriculture, Natural Resources and Transportation committees.

Nature Notes, by Loyal Baker: Tommy John and I were up in the “lab.” We took a flash light and went in secret rooms. we found a skeletonized mouse traped in a trap. So we desided it was thirty-years old.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January, 1942

Waitsburg is to have a Pea Cannery. Final details have been worked out with the Bozeman Canning Company to start construction immediately, providing the citizens approve a bond issue to supply necessary water.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denney and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Denney spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. D. Archer at Pullman. The nuptial rites of Miss Laura Ann Penner, daughter of Mrs. Mary Land and Carl Henry Penner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Penner, Sr. were solemnized at 4 o’clock Christmas day at the Episcopal Church in Walla Walla.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 5, 1917

A Chinook which started Monday morning and which was later accompanied by a light rain effectively broke our second cold spell of the winter.

The Kellums Brothers Co. Sunshine Evangelists arrived in this city Tuesday and commenced their big revival meeting at the Christian Church.

The Keve young folks and Shelly Swinehart attended the dance at Will Tates in the Canyon New Year’s night.

The Old Homestead Dairy milk wagon was struck by a passing automobile on Main Street Monday evening about dark. The wagon was damaged somewhat and much milk was scattered on the pavement. Fortunately no one was injured, so we understand.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 8, 1892

Born at Huntsville Jan. 1, 1892 to J. H. Fudge and wife, a daughter. Dr. Johnson.

There is no excuse for any man to appear in society with a grizzly beard since the introduction of Buckingham’s Dye, which colors a natural brown or black.

The new school house is completed: has been accepted by the directors, and seats are this week being placed in position.

Marshal Prescott is taking care of a red cow branded M on left hip. Cow had a calf a week old, and the owner is requested to come and get his property.

Milt Denney of Pleasant View was thrown from a horse he was riding last Tuesday, and rendered unconscious. He was taken to Walla Walla Wednesday for medical treatment.


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