February 17: Loyal Baker, Jack Rodgers, Chris Blair, Mathew Kurth, Betty Sauer, Angela Webb and Larry Lawrence.
February 18: Cole Lindsey, Greg Schuler, Lauri McKinley, Michael and Philo Murphy, Nancy Powers, Ann Ahler and Charles Mead V.
February 19: Carrie Abel, Margaret Osterero, Rick Harper, and Mark Johnson.
February 20: Harvey Danielson, Jace Grende and Colter Mohney.
February 21: Dick Brunton, Ted Hopwood, Rich Pierson, Travis Wood, Joshua Wood, Chris Huwe and Molly and Mandy Hays.
February 22: Cheri Maxwell, Gerald Morgan, Charles Morgan, Tristien Cook, Alexandra Bloor, Betty Crabtree, Nicole Eastwood.
February 23: John A. Reese, Jay Thomas, Jane Conover Waldher, Jason Cook, Becky Harshman, Margaret Gibson, Heidi Sickles and Brandon Cole.
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